Haidyte, vie ne ste "bAlgari" bre selski, !!!
Vie ste omesheni prishaltci s tciganite ot Vizantiq, doshli v razlichni vekove s razlichni kyltyri ( Chalgadjii) . Bylgar-tyrkite, osnovatelite na Tyna-Bylgar hanstvo sa vashi osvoboditeli ot Vizantiisko robstvo, koito osnovateli sa sabratq s tyrkite vav Volshka Bylgariq koito vse oshte govorqt turkski i izpovqdvat islqm. Vie ste kardtci s tciganska kryv na venite , kradtci na drebno na vsichko ot vseki, kakto ste "otkradnali" prisvoili termina bulgar ot osnovatelite, taka i Kliment krade kopskite bykvi ot Egipetskite kopti . S dve dymi vsichko e falshivo taka i granitcite na darjavata ochertana ot chyjdi silii s postaven chyjd Tcar Ferdinand ot dryga kyltyra.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oghuz_TurksДа не се повтарям:
Kv'o li moje da se promeni, ako se povtori ili potreti ot edin haidyt, chakai da si pomislq ... nishto !..., mirizmata na pradnqta si ostava sashtata haidyshko-peshterna.
I taka haidyte , da se povtarqte hilqdi pati vie haidytite peshterni si ostavate prosti kradlivi haidyti bez istoriq v peshteri i nishto ne mojete da promenite.
Kolko li natrapvaniq i nabivaniq v poly-praznite kofi na ramenete si haidyti- peshterni imashe prez ryso-komynistichesko-haidysko, ta sme sviknali s kom-haidyshki izmisleni blaskanitci.
Марлборо- запомни най важната характеристика за Индоевропейците- а именно:
Selski haidyte , nqma kv'o da zapomnq ot prosti haidyti , ti i drygite haidyti trqbva da zapomnite nai-vajnoto, che ne mogat edni prosti haidyti da smenqt prez den - dva istoriqta, ako shte i lokalna da e, ako shte i svetovna da e spored kom-fashiskiq- haidyshki rejim.
Zapomni dobre tova haidyte- izperkal , harakteristikata na nomadskite hora e turkska zashtoto v tezi teritorii sa jivqli i jiveqt turki s prochyti svetovno izvestni imperii ( kato Xiagny, Guokturk, Kipchak... i mn. dr. turkski imperi ) s meso mlechna dieta koito spqt nad konete si i pod sedalkite im se parjat parjoli po vreme na napadeniq v drygi selsko stopanski zemedelski kyltyri, zatova se naricha kyltyrata im nomadska koito se mestqt mnogo barzo ot edno v drygo mqsto, bre selqnin omotan s manichko fasylche v kofata.!
Zatova neshto ima hilqdi i milioni dokazatelstva .... veche naistina si mislq , che govorq s izperkal haidyt izbqgal ot lydnitca .
Nai -dobre shte e da zapomnish tova i go zapishi v stenata pred kashtata selski momko ,"indoevropeiskata" kyltyra e izmislitca ot germanskiq natcizam i ryskiq kom-fashizam i go povtarqi 100 pati na den da ne zabravish.!
Индоевропейците са номадски конен степенен народ-дори древните Траки се покланят на конника  
Bre selski haidyte , ti ne beshe li tozi prost haidyt koito se hileshe na stydent kato teleshka pacha ot Blagoevgradskiq ynivesitet Nofit Rilski ? ...Da ne si nameril nqkoe neizkopano prostranstvo s haidyshki tapi sachineniq.
А по въпроса за Енисейците:
Енисейците са паралелно възникнала на индоевропейците култура в Централна Азия ,които постепенно са изтласквани от индоевропейците в източната им периферия на тяхната източна експанзия.
Kolko si malogabariten samo da znaeshe haidyte, kakto i horata po sveta znaqt za vas haidytite kradtci, iznasilvachi, suteniori na sobstveni sestri na blizki i rodnini .
Ne haidyte, Eniseitcite govorqt blizak-turkski (izcheznal ezik)peshtersko - momche ,te sa ot Afanasova kyltyra koito sa pretopeni sled razprostranenieto na Andronovo kyltyra v regiona s poqvata na turkskite imperii, zatova te sa smqtani edni ot parvite predtci na turkite , prosti haidyte !
Тюрките са продукт на смесването на енисейците и индоевропейците в зоната им на конфликт(досег) възникнала в Далечният Изток.В тази зона се наблюдава постепенно заменяне на индоевропейските черти с монголоидни при Тагарската и Таштъкската култура.Тези двете култури са продукт на смесването на индоевропейската Афанасиевска и енисейската Глазковска култура .
Ne bre haidyte selski, turkite moje da sa prodykt na haidyshki hanimki po peshteri no ne sa indoevropeitci , zashtoto indoevropetci e izmislitca ot savpadenieto na fashizma v Germaniq (shtoto i germantcite sa pridoshli izvanzemni ot vsqkvi razlichni "frankski" plemena koito vse osht se kradqt i skybqt istoriq s Franciq ) i tapiq komynizam v Ryskiq vikingistan.( za blqdistan da ne govorq kolko e falshiva kato haidyshkata)
Да обобщя:
Индоевропейците са номадски народ наложил властта си над земеделските народи от Средиземноморският басейн.Т.е. автохтонното население преди траките на Балканският полуостров носещи понтийските черти и занимаващо се основно със земеделие и почитащо богинята майка е завладяно от номадското население на индоевропейците.
'Indoevropeitci' nqma v Altai i ne e imalo kato fashisti i komynisti kradat istoriqta na turkite s predtci Hyni ot Afanasovo i Andronovo kyltyra!
Origins[edit source | editbeta]
Main article: Origin of the Turks
"In 178-177 BC, the Xiongnu shan-yü Mao-tun subdued a people called Hu-chieh, west of Wu-sun. The early pronunciation of this transliteration suggests that they were ancestors of Oghur/Oghuz."[7] They were certainly related to the Chinese tribes of the east.
A head of Dede Korkut in Baku.
The original homeland of the Oghuz, like other Turks, was the Ural-Altay region of Central Asia, which has been the domain of Turkic peoples since antiquity. Although their mass-migrations from Central Asia occurred from the 9th century onwards, they were present in areas west of the Caspian Sea centuries prior, although smaller in numbers and perhaps living with other Turks.[citation needed] For example, the Book of Dede Korkut, the historical epic of the Oghuz Turks, was written from the ninth and tenth centuries.[8]
According to many historians, the usage of the word "Oghuz" is dated back to the advent of the Huns (220 BC). The title of "Oghuz" (Oguz Kaan) was given to Mau-Tun,[9][10] the founder of the Hun Empire, which is often considered the first Turkic political entity in Central Asia.
Also in the 2nd century BC, a Turkic tribe called O-kut or Wuqi 呼揭, 呼得, 乌揭, 乌护 who were described as a western enemy of the Huns (referred to in Chinese sources, Shiji, 110 and Suishu, 84) were mentioned in the area of the Irtysh River, in present-day Lake Zaysan. The Greek sources used the name Oufi (or Ouvvi) to describe the Oghuz Turks, a name they had also used to describe the Huns centuries earlier.[citation needed]
A number of tribal groupings bearing the name Oghuz, often with a numeral representing the number of united tribes in the union, are noted.
Reverse side of Azerbaijani manat showing the old Turkic script.
The mention of the "six Oghuz tribal union" in the Turkic Orhun inscriptions (6th century) pertains to the unification of the six Turkic tribes which became known as the Oghuz. This was the first written reference to Oghuz, and was dated to the period of the Göktürk empire. The Oghuz community gradually grew larger, uniting more Turkic tribes prior and during the Göktürk establishment.[11]
Prior to the Göktürk state, there are references to the Sekiz-Oghuz ("eight-Oghuz") and the Dokuz-Oghuz ("nine-Oghuz") union. The Oghuz Turks under Sekiz-Oghuz and the Dokuz-Oghuz state formations ruled different areas in the vicinity of the Altay mountains. During the establishment of the Göktürk state, Oghuz tribes inhabited the Altay mountain region and also lived in northeastern areas of the Altay mountains along the Tula River. They were also present as a community near the Barlik River in present-day northern Mongolia.
Their main homeland and domain in the ensuing centuries was the area of Transoxiana, in western Turkestan.
This land became known as the "Oghuz steppe," which is an area between the Caspian and Aral Seas. Ibn al-Athir, an Arab historian, declared that the Oghuz Turks had come to Transoxiana in the period of the caliph Al-Mahdi in the years between 775 and 785. In the period of the Abbasid caliph Al-Ma'mun (813–833), the name Oghuz starts to appear in the works of Islamic writers. By 780, the eastern parts of the Syr Darya were ruled by the Karluk Turks and the western region (Oghuz steppe) was ruled by the Oghuz Turks.
Езикови остатъци на старото население на Черноморският басейн са Дахите(Черкезите) и до някъде Нохчите, а на завладяното средиземноморско население- Баските,оцелели благодарение на пресеченият терен.
Индоевропейското население е било доминьон и в Източна Азия до преди н.е.
Pak dokaza ka'v selqnin-prost si Rashitko, dominion vikash a inache sa doshli ot zapad , bre kolko ste prosti tezi haidyti imate li granitca za izmervane ?
Da znaeshe samo kav kef mi stava da chyq prostotiite na haidyti , no ot edna strana me e qd zashto se zanimavam i si gybq vremeto s prosti haidyti. !
Не ми давай турски професор за пример,поради факта ,че ПАНТЮРКИЗМА е официалната доктрина на р. Турция от нейното създаване и няма нищо общо с действителната история.Всички турски учени са впрегнати в нейното защитаване ,по подобие на тях и техните колеги от Македония защитават тяхната антиквизация.
Estestvenno Panturkizma e ofitcialna doktrina ot AtaTurk nasam selsko momche, grehota e da zabravim za predstcite si... ne slychaino imame nobelovi layreati i mladi svetovno izvestni ycheni da ni pripomnqt koi sme.

В този случай , този професор прехвърля черти на Скитите върху тюрките при условие ,че още Херодот е казал,че Скитите и Траките говорят един език.От друга страна няма археологични данни за наличие на тюрки в Предна Азия и Източна Европа преди 6-7 век от н.е.
Bre selski haidyte kak moje da si tolkova izostanal v kofata , kak moje skitite da sa "indoevropeitci" sled kato Persite- (irantcite) gi imate za "indoevropeitci", a samqta Persiiska imperiq vouva sus Skitite koito sa narichani Saka ot Persiq na sever ot Cherno more v segashni Ykrainski teritorii.
Византийският емисар Приск, който се срещал с хунския вожд Атила, неколкократно нарича сподвижниците му „скити“.
"Skiti" sa drevnite Nomadi, koito skitat navsqkade s kone zatova gi naricha nqkav emisar vuv Vizantiiskata imperiq s razlichni kyltyri i ezitci v slycheq drevno Makedonski.!
" По традиция аристократите на Скитите били погребвани в кургани (Културата Пазърък).В гробниците било оставено всичко необходимо за задгробния живот на погребаните. Аристократите били полагани в гроба заедно със своите коне, а в една от могилите е намерен и прочутият Пазъръкски килим — най-старият известен ориенталски килим, изработен от сбита и пресована вълна. Погребалните камери в тях били изградени от дъски от европейска лиственица (Larix decidua).Погребения като това в Пазърък - в Алтайските планини, са разкрили впечатляващо добре запазени в леда скитски мумии, една от които е „Ледената девойка“ от 5 век пр.н.е.."
Ti i zadnika da si oderesh kyrganskata kyltyra q znae vseki po sveta pri turkite.
Или турските учени ще направят не само скитите,но и Ираните- САРМАТИ тюрки.              
Turkskite ycheni nishto nqma da napravqt selski haidyte, te shte izchakat haidytite prosti sled nqkoe desitiletie kakva peshterno-haidyshka tapotiq da izmislqt, sled tova da im kajat , bre haidyti vie ne bqhte li slavno- indo- tcigano - iranski bankomat kradtci na drebno i sytenuori na sestri i rodnini !
Kolko ste prosti haidytite ,Rashko !
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oghuz_TurksOghuz and Yörüks[edit source | editbeta]
Main article: Yörüks

Yörük shepherd in the Taurus Mountains.
The Yörük, also Yürüks or Yuruks are a Turkic people ultimately of Oghuz descent,[15][16] some of whom are still semi-nomadic, primarily inhabiting the mountains of Anatolia and partly Balkan peninsula. Their name derives from the Old-Turkic verb from Eastern Turkish dialect (Çagatay dialekt)- yörü "yörümek", but Western Turkish dialect (Garbi Türkçe) yürü- (yürümek in infinitive), which means "to walk", with the word Yörük or Yürük designating "those who walk, walkers".[17][18][19]

Main areas inhabited by Yörük tribes in Anatolia today[citation needed]
The Yörük to this day appear as a distinct segment of the population of Macedonia and Thrace where they settled as early as the 14th century.[20] While today the Yörük are increasingly settled, many of them still maintain their nomadic lifestyle, breeding goats and sheep in the Taurus Mountains and further eastern parts of mediterranean regions (in southern Anatolia), in the Pindus (Epirus, Greece and southern Albania), the Šar Mountains (Republic of Macedonia), the Pirin and Rhodope Mountains (Bulgaria) and Dobrudja.[citation needed] An earlier offshoot of the Yörüks, the Kailars or Kayılar Turks were amongst the first Turkish colonists in Europe,[20] (Kailar or Kayılar being the Turkish name for the Greek town of Ptolemaida which took its current name in 1928)[21] formerly inhabiting parts of the Greek regions of Thessaly and Macedonia. Settled Yörüks could be found until 1923, especially near and in the town of Kozani. The Yörüks are credited with the conversion to Islam in the 18th century, after a period of cohabitation, of a part of the native Meglen Vlachs of Greece[citation needed] who in 1923 were expelled to Turkey under the terms of the population exchange between the two countries.
• v t e
Turkic peoples
• • Ahiska Altays Avars Afshar Azerbaijanis Balkars Bashkirs Bulgars Chulyms Chuvashs Crimean Tatars Cumans Dolgans Dughlats Gagauz Huns Iraqi Turkmen Karachays Crimean Karakalpaks Karapapak Karluks Kazakhs Khakas Khalajs Khazars Khorasani Turks Kızılbaş Kimek Kipchaks Krymchaks Kumandins Kumyks Kyrgyz Naimans Nogais Oghuz Turks Qashqai Qizilbash Salar Shatuo Syrian Turks Tatars Telengits Teleuts Tofalar Turgesh Turkish people Turks in Bulgaria Turkish Cypriots Turks in Kosovo Turks in the Republic of Macedonia Turks of Romania Turks of Western Thrace Turkmens Tuvans Uyghur Uzbeks Yakuts Yugur
Gledai prosti haidyte koi sa Skitite tyk !!! :
Turkic history[edit source | editbeta]

Bilge Tonyukuk Monument in Old Turkic
According to other records, Togarmah (grandson of Japheth) is regarded as the ancestor of the Turkic peoples. For example, The French Benedictine monk and scholar Calmet (1672–1757) places Togarmah in Scythia and Turcomania (in the Eurasian Steppes and Central Asia).[12] Also in his letters, King Joseph ben Aaron, the ruler of the Khazars, writes:
"You ask us also in your epistle: "Of what people, of what family, and of what tribe are you?" Know that we are descended from Noach's son Japhet, through his son Gomer through his son Togarmah. I have found in the genealogical books of my ancestors that Togarmah had ten sons. These are their names:
the eldest was Ujur (Agiôr - Uyghur),
the second Tauris (Tirôsz - Tauri),
the third Avar (Avôr - Avar),
the fourth Uauz (Ugin - Oghuz),
the fifth Bizal (Bizel - Pecheneg),
the sixth Tarna,
the seventh Khazar (Khazar),
the eighth Janur (Zagur),
the ninth Bulgar (Balgôr - Bulgar),
the tenth Sawir (Szavvir/Szabir - Sabir)."[13]
In Jewish sources too Togarmah is listed as the father of the Turkic peoples: The medieval Jewish scholar: Joseph ben Gorion lists in his Josippon the ten sons of Togarma as follows:
1. Kozar (the Khazars)
2. Pacinak (the Pechenegs)
3. Aliqanosz (the Alans)
4. Bulgar (the Bulgars)
5. Ragbiga (Ragbina, Ranbona)
6. Turqi (possibly the Kökturks)
7. Buz (the Oghuz)
8. Zabuk
9. Ungari (either the Hungarians or the Oghurs/Onogurs)
10. Tilmac (Tilmic/Tirôsz - Tauri)."
In the Chronicles of Jerahmeel, they are listed as:
1. Cuzar (the Khazars)
2. Pasinaq (the Pechenegs)
3. Alan (the Alans)
4. Bulgar (the Bulgars)
5. Kanbinah
6. Turq (possibly the Kökturks)
7. Buz (the Oghuz)
8. Zakhukh
9. Ugar (either the Hungarians or the Oghurs/Onogurs)
10. Tulmes (Tirôsz - Tauri)
Another medieval rabbinic work, the Book of Jasher, further corrupts these same names into:
1. Buzar (the Khazars)
2. Parzunac (the Pechenegs)
3. Balgar (the Bulgars)
4. Elicanum (the Alans)
5. Ragbib
6. Tarki (possibly the Kökturks)
7. Bid (the Oghuz)
8. Zebuc
9. Ongal (Hungarians or Oghurs/Onogurs)
10. Tilmaz (Tirôsz - Tauri).
In Arabic records, Togorma's tribes are these:
1. Khazar (the Khazars)
2. Badsanag (the Pechenegs)
3. Asz-alân (the Alans)
4. Bulghar (the Bulgars)
5. Zabub
6. Fitrakh (Kotrakh?) (Ko-etrakh. Etrakh means turks [possibly Gokturks])
7. Nabir
8. Andsar (Ajhar)
9. Talmisz (Tirôsz - Tauri)
10. Adzîgher (Adzhigardak?).
The Arabic account however, also adds an 11th clan: Anszuh.
Yet another tradition of the sons of Togarmah appears in Pseudo-Philo, where their names are said to be "Abiud, Saphath, Asapli, and Zepthir". The Chronicles of Jerahmeel, in addition to giving the above names from Yosippon, elsewhere lists Togarmah's sons similarly as "Abihud, Shafat, and Yaftir".
Tyrski ychen zavarshil v Taivan kitaiska istoriq paralelna s Turkskata Prof. Dr. Ahmet Taşağıl
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=coiyuxD4mlc-Kak vi hrymna da ychite kitaiski ?
Oshte kato malak sam zapalen da izycha drevnata istoriq na turkite.
-Ka se ychi kitaiski?
Otidoh v Taivan s pomoshta na prof.Dr. Chandarlioly.
Naychih mandarin Pekin kitaiski , koito e sus 7734 haraktera na den se izpolzva okolo 3000 haraktera, kato kitaiskiq ima poveche ot 80 000 dymi.
V dravnostta edin harakter oznachava mnogo neshta, dneshno edin harakter edno neshto
-Koga za prav pat se chyva v svetovnata istoriq za termin kato Turk ?
Za prav pat se chyva prez 420 godina za horata jiveeshti do reka Sarderiq... posocheni v tazi kniga koqto pokazva kato Giokturk. V sashtata knga sa posocheni pragrafite za Ashina legendata.
V kitaiskite izstochnitci za prav pat se chyva prez 542 no pri zapadnite izstochnitci Vizantiskite " Teofonnis" prez 420.
V sashtata kniga se razkazva za Turkite koito sa naslednitci na Hynite ot 2259 p.n.era, koito sa edni i sashti no termina turk se izpolzva sled 420 za hynite ot Vizantiitci .
... prodaljenie s turkskite raznorodni plemena do idvaneto im v Anatoliq sus Seldjykite i Osmanskata imperiq, na sever v sashtoto vreme se vijdat Kipchak turkite.
Kato zapochna s dalbokite istoricheski izvori s Dingling.
-Koi sa te ?
Te sa ot Bozkurt plemenata koito se vijdat po vremeto na Hynite.
-Ot kade idvat ?
@@@@ Eto k'vo ti kazva v 15-ta minyta haidyte !
Trqbva da zapochnem taka ... spored arheolozite - izsledovateli dnesho v Hakasiq ujna Sibiriq predi 3000 pr.n.era e imalo Afanasova kyltyra tazi kyltyra e priznata za nai-starata Turkska kyltyra (spored isledvaniqta prez 1950 ) ... spetcialno hodihme s priqtelq isledovatel- fotograf Serbest Somuncuolu da gi vidim na mqsto nahodkite te sa tam v Minisus myzeq. ( kak sa kovali i izpolzvali jelqzoto )
Sled tova prez 1700-1800 pr.n.era zapochva Andronovo kyltyra v raiona na Abakan, spetcialnoto v Andronovo kyltyra e ,che se razprostranqva navsqkade v raiona i sled tova veche zapochva da se formirat Bozkyrt turkskite plemena.
Atla Dukov svetovno izvesten arheolog ima izsledvaniq za turkite.
Kakvo znachi turk ?
Ako ne gi isledvame v laboratoriq ... spored istoriqta te sa obshtnost v tcentralna Aziq.
-Homogenni li sa turkite ?
Spored men sa bili homogenni v minaloto. Prilichashti kato nas kato poglednem pametnitci , tezi drapnatite ochi sa omeshenite s mongolite.
Mongolite ne sa jivqli v dneshni teritorii , bili sa jivqli po na iztok v gorite na Boriatiq , koka turkite se pridvijvat ot togavashni teritorii mongolite idvat v tehni teritorii prez 960 godina i za prav pat za mongolite se chyva prez 750 godina pri kitaitcite.
-Turkite koga sa bili na sever dali sa govoreli turkik ?
Ima turkski dymi pri Hynite, no istinskoto razprostranenie na turkskiq zapochva pri Guokturkite prez 500 godina.
Ima dve dokazatelsva za tova parviq e vav Vizantiiski iztochnitci ... 520 god. prevejdaneto na" Indji " se razkazva po vremeto na Sabirite v Kavkazite.
Vtoroto dokazatelstvo za tyrkskiq e prevejdaneto na religioznata kniga na Bydistite prez 570 god.
Parvite turki sa prochyti s prerabotkata na jelqzoto , vqrno li e tova ?
Vqrno e, kakto kazhme v tozi region e bila Afanasovo kyltyra i po spetcialno Andronovo kyltyra koqto otkrito se vijda otkrivaneto na jelqzoto i opitomqvaneto na konq.
Konq tam li se opitomqva za prav pat ?
Parvo tam pri turkite , no ima i na drygi mesta kade se izpolzvat s kolesnitci i karytci. Tyk na tazi Avraziq geografiq konq se izpolzva pri turkite ot Severna Koreq do Yngariq. Naprimer ima migratciq na vseki 100 godini ot Tcentralna Aziq do Evropa.
Zashto ?
Spored klimatichnite ysloviq. Naprimer v zapaden Kazakstan ima 7 vida raznoobrazni rasteniq za trevopasnite jivotni v iztochna Evropa 2000.
Da se varnem na Hynite ?
Kitaitcite kazvat Shynny / Xiagny na Hynite ...tyk v knigata se govori za Hynite ...Turkskata i Kitaiskata istoriq varvqt paralelno ,nachi tova e mnogo vajno.
Vseizvestniq Modu (kitaiski) kato nqkoi go narichat Mete ili Maoutyn sa greshni, Modu asal po turkski oznachava Bahadir koeto e prqkor. Koito ypravlqva ot 209 pr.n.era do 174 pr.n.era koito e parviq strategicheski darjaven lider.
-Hynite priznati li sa za turki?
Priznati sa kakto Osmanliite sa narichani turk taka i hynite prez 420 sa narichani turk.
-Atilla kade e v tazi istoriq ?
Atilla e v Evropeiskata strana... 350-369 migrira po ikonomicheski prichini.
Predi Atilla ima li hyni v Evropa ?
Da ima 100 godini predi nego. Atilla e roden krai reka Itil koeto znachi Itilli i ot tam se poqvqva negovoto ime, v Hynskata konfederatciq ima i goti "germenler" germanski i dr.narodi.
- Koi turki idvat tyk v Tyrciq ?
Povecheto sa Oguzi ima Kipchaki i pechenezi no povecheto sa Oguzi.
Koi sa nai starite pismenni rynni na Guokturkite ?
Yeniseiskite nadgrobni kamani v Kirgiskiq region, govori se, che sa Kirgiski zashtoto e v tehniq region no te sa turkski.
Dnes severno Chernomorieto sa ot turkiq svqt s koreni ot tatarite glavno kipchaki znachi ot bulgari Ogyri - v 1:46:06
... tova e samo edna malka chast kade sum prevel haidyshki, ako preveda tcqloto (za hazarite, avarite i dr, turki ) moje da ti padne sartceto v potyrite .
Samo ako chyesh k'vo kazva v 0:54:35 ne ti i trqbva psiho-institytciq, sled tova v 1:07:35 sashto taka i v 1:46:06 shte vzemesh da drasnesh tazi klekchka m/y krakata si nakraq.
0:54:35 bulgarite turki li sa ? 
Da, turki sa , znach Baris / Bori-s han se hristiqnizira i koli sina koito ne iskad stavat hristiqni i vadi ochite na parvorodniq si sin Rasate.
Xaidyta moje da jivee bez da qde nqkolko mesetca , haidyta moje da jivee nqkolko dena bez voda, haidyta moje da jivee bez vazdyh nqkolko minyti, haidyta daje moje da jivee bez mozak tcql jivot.!