"А вие глутницата не написахте ли 100 пъти Вологъз"
Вологез, izvinqvaj za tova kyde sme pisali 101 пъти Вологъз shtot ne sme vidqli po dobra fodma na sinonima Вологез
eto tuk sa Paeonskite plemena koito sa doshli ot Anatoliq edni ot tqh sa Agrianes ( Agriani and Agrii) ok Вологъз :
Yet according to the national legend (Herodotus v. 13), they were Teucrian colonists from Troy. Homer (Iliad, book II, line 848) speaks of Paeonians from the Axios fighting on the side of the Trojans, but the Iliad does not mention whether the Paeonians were kin to the Trojans. Homer gives the Paeonian leader as a certain Pyraechmes (parentage unknown); but later on in the Iliad (Book 21)Homer mentions a second leader, named Asteropaeus, son of Pelagon.
Before the reign of Darius Hystaspes, they had made their way as far east as Perinthus in Thrace on the Propontis. At one time all Mygdonia, together with Crestonia, was subject to them. When Xerxes crossed Chalcidice on his way to Therma (later renamed Thessalonica) he is said to have marched through Paeonian territory. They occupied the entire valley of the Axios (Vardar) as far inland as Stobi, the valleys to the east of it as far as the Strymon and the country round Astibus and the river of the same name, with the water of which they anointed their kings.
The Paeonian tribes were:
Agrianes[2] (also, Agriani and Agrii)
Almopians[3] (also Almopioi)
Laeaeans[4] (also Laeaei and Laiai)
Derrones[5] (also Derroni)
Odomantes[6] (also Odomanti)