Български > Помаци
SOFIA - 29. Dekemvri 1989g.
Will please anybody translate this posting to English or Bulgarian
Thank you
Does anybody have any other information on this? i have this video, and am still looking for more media, pictures, documents, videos, anything.
I am currently working on a documentary about these events, the people involved, the history behind it, and the reasons behind the events that took place, so any help, even personal stories or personal information that you have, or stories about what has happened to you would be most helpful.
I want to show what being a Pomak means, the history of our people. The world must know who we are and what has happened to us.
(Turkish translation)
Birisi bu olay hakkında başkaca bilgiye sahipmi? Bu videodan elimde var ama belgesel için hala daha fazla resim, belge ve videolar aramaktayım.
Şu anda bu olayların perde arkası ve onları buna iten nedenlerin yeraldığı bir belgesel film üzerinde çalışmaktayım. Bu bağlamda ne olduğuna dair sahip olduğunuz kişisel bilgiler ve hikayeler çok yardımcı olacak.
Pomağın ne demek olduğunu ve tarihimizi göstermek istiyorum. Tüm dünyanın bizim kim olduğumuzu ve bize ne olduğunun bilmesi gerekir.
Aguren if anybody can do'it you will be the one, you are in the right place, 21st century is the right time for the truet on Pomak people to come out and be documentet, Therefore you have my support, and I believe you have the support of the Pomak people around the world.
If anybody who's against documentary let them speak now or accept the fact that from now on will be documents and have a record that such people known as Pomaks do exist and should be respected as human being not like a animals or third class people that few nations like to have as their slaves, to use them, to insult them, and thehumemonizing them to the point so they can lose their self-esteem self-respect and be ashamed to proudly call themselves Pomak.
Let also be knowing that if any events take place ever again such as forcefully changeng names, religion, or identity of any people by any nation in the world the aggressor should be holed irresponsible for their actions and should be filed a lawsuit against such a nation in international court's under international laws of protection on human rights.
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