Български > Помаци
SOFIA - 29. Dekemvri 1989g.
Hi everybody,
i was wondering if anyone can has any information on the events that happened in December in sofia 1989, when pomak men and women won their names back. I am a pomak, but have lost a lot of my family history, i know that was a very important time for all pomaks, so i was just curious, does anyone have any information? videos? websites? I would be most appreciative.
Thank You
Hi Aguren,
May be you can find here something for you.
The real story is what happened.
Önder we have got video about Sofia 1989, but I didnt find it, maybe you help us :)
As you seen in the topics which were posted by rahmie shows and arguees this event. But im not sure these are fully discussed or not. i advice you to open a separate bulgarian threat on this situation
Aguren,the persons in this vidio with the blue jacket the one is holding a speech is your father. I think since you are in the right place "Hollywood" you shall consider making a movie about the Pomak movement in 1987 1988 1989 1990 All the brave Pomaks hoo made a happened deserve all te credit for the freedom we have today.
neka vsi4ki pomaci d avidqt koi dokara demokraciqta v bg,evalla...no zapo4vam da se sramuvam ot sebesi kato gledam kakvi borbeni sa bili predcite ni...Allah da gi Vyznagradi za za polojenite usiliq prez tezi tejki godini
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