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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #315 on: March 30, 2015, 22:42 »
В случая със самата статия на Динков имам много забележки:

1. Първите американци са Европоиди-Културата Кловис.  ;D

2.А консервативните думи не са пратюрски- а енисейски.

3. Има подобен род и протоиндоевропейски консервативни думи-в зависимост от индианските групи.
Словоредът на думите в говоримия език Губи релевантния си характер; в езика Нáуатл определението се поставя пред името (напр.:Tototepec=totot-“птица” +tepet-“хълм” ,т.е. ‘птичи хълм’ ], докато в езика на Миштеките и Сапотеките  то се явява в постпозиция спрямо съществителното (напр.:YucuDzaa=yucu“хълм” +dzaa“птица”). Независимо от това и при трите писмени системи специфичният определител се изписва над пиктограмата, обозначаваща ‘хълм’...."
Тук трябва да се направи аналогия в езиците Губи и Науатл с древноперсийската. täppe, täppä – хълм, могила, връх .нови-археологически-находки-доказват-културното-разнообразие-на-ранните-заселници-на-америка

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Offline Rasate

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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #316 on: March 30, 2015, 22:50 »
Виж това :
«Тайната история на татарите»

Човека си казва ,че етногенезиса на всички европоидни тюрки е ирански ,които поради тюрската инвазия в късната античност им се променя езика- най нов пример е Турция- анатолийци ,които само до преди 800 години са говорили на койне, преди 2300 парси,а преди 3000- хетски.
А да не споменавам Османският,който в 70 % си е ирански.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline Subeyi Kurt

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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #317 on: March 30, 2015, 23:39 »
Ot statiyata: Древнобългарският език е бил “архаичен тюркски език, сроден с общотюркския”Езикът на прабългарите се е сформирал върху хунския език и езика на прототюркската общност “теле  ( tova e stanovishteto na vsichki istorici i lingvisti, koito ne byrkat naukata s politika i ideologii)

Offline Subeyi Kurt

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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #318 on: April 03, 2015, 00:26 »
Има хора, които държат на "величието" на българската история, в което няма нищо лошо. Но величието на тази история е свързано единствено изобщо с тюрките и тяхната история, защото българите са от тюркски произход. Тъй като поради политически причини десетилетия наред се внушаваше на българите, че е имало "турско робство" и турците са "лоши", то днес някои от тях свързват тюрките единствено с "лошите" турци . Това се използва като удобен мотив и предпоставка за манипулация и интерпретация на историчната хронология и някои хора вярват, че "българите" са първите хора на света и т.н. Ние едва ли бихме могли да обясним на всички хора реалната история, защото когато хората вярват, че черното е бяло или обратното, процесите на обяснение стават безпредметни. Но можем да опитаме ( St.Dinkov)

Offline Marlboro

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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #319 on: April 04, 2015, 11:10 »
Turks in Persian poetry
Main article: Persian literature
Countless Muslim authors have left us graphic descriptions of what they considered the essential attributes of the Turks as an ethnic group and the reasons for the latter's pre-eminence in the Islamic world from the eleventh century onwards. These accounts are counterbalanced, often, by description of what these same authors considered the all too obvious limitation of the same people. All authors of adab works, manuals of war, and mirrors for princes, agree on the military superiority of the Turks, their hardiness, their skill with horses and the bow and arrow, as well as their 'lion-like' qualities and pride.Ibn Khaldun[/color] considered the Turkish mamlūks to be the saviours of Islam.
Nizām al-Mulk recalls that Al-Mu'tasim, the caliph who first introduced a mamlūk army, 'always said that there was none for service (khidmatkār) like the Turk'. 'I can tell that Al-Mu'tasim knew very well what he was about when he made them into a corps and took them into his service', writes also Al-Jāhiz, for '... nothing can withstand [the Turks], and none desires to oppose them'. Mobile as they were, they were never pursued for 'the Turk does not need to escape'. Turkish prowess in arms not only buttressed the caliphs' power in the dār al-Islām, but was also especially effective against the infidel kings of Hind. 'Arrow-shooting Turks' are a favorite topos of Persian poetry, where they are compared with the bubbles in a glass of wine. No other army could charge as well, and Turkish horseman were taught to carry two or three bows and strings to match them. 
From ethnological parallels it is known that a skilled archer can shoot at least six aimed arrows a minute. The image of the Turk in Persian poetry soon developed into an ideal of manliness, the ideal beloved, white and beautiful, albeit cruel. 'Turk' came to relate to 'Hindu' like 'ruler' to 'slave', 'angel' to 'devil', while for
Rūmī[/size][/color], for instance, [/color]Turkestan[/color] became the heavenly world of light (from which the beloved appeared) and [/color]Hind[/color] the dark world of matter. Often enough the word 'Turk' was turned into the equivalent of 'Muslim', at least in India, where at times it also became a synonym for soldier. Ultimately the 'lion-like' Turk, with his disdain for menial household tasks, was linked to the climate of his country of origin which predisposed him to a certain robustness and military valour. The nomadic Turks had a strongly developed 'love of homeland' (maḥabbat al-waṭan) or 'longing for homeland' (al-ḥanin 'ilā-l-waṭan). This attachment reinforced the mutual similarity and homogeneity of the Turks which expressed itself in an absolutely single-minded desire to achieve military command. The Turks' very single-mindedness was praised by Muslim writers as 'the only way to achieve anything'. Solely the Dailamites[/size][/color] were at times regarded as more warlike. But the dark side of the Turkish character, regarded as equally universal, was an insatiable love of plunder and violence. In their own country, 'the Turks do not fight for religion nor for interpretation of Scripture nor for sovereignty nor for taxes nor for patriotism nor for jealousy, unless their women are concerned, nor for defense of their home, nor for wealth, but only for plunder. Given to violent appropriation, they were however free from unnatural vice, they treated prisoners well, kept their promises, and were not given to hypocrisy or intrigue, while being impervious to flattery, and not addicted to 'rivalry in poetic display'.

'The Turks know not how to flatter or coax, they know not how to practise hypocrisy or backbiting, pretence or slander, dishonesty or haughtiness on their acquaintance, or mischief on those that associate with them. They are strangers to heresy and not spoiled by caprice, and they do not make property lawful by quibbles. Their fault which makes them most unpopular is their love of land and love of moving freely up and down the country and propensity for raiding and preoccupation with plunder ...'. Such, in short, were the characteristics of a people which had mastered 'the art of war' to the same degree of perfection as 'the Chinese have attained in art, and the Greeks in philosophy and literature and the Sasanids in empire'. And, unlike other ethnic groups, the Turks were bound to obscurity if they did not leave Turkestān, they achieved fame and fortune only if they left their homeland. 'Since the creation of the world until today no slave (banda) bought for money achieved the position of king (pādshāh) except the Turk'.

A former, legendary, king of the Turks is supposed to have said:

'The Turk is like a pearl (dur) in its shell at the bottom of the sea, when it is worth nothing; but when it comes out of its shell, and out of the sea, it becomes valuable and adorns the crown of kings and the neck and ears of brides'.
[/color]Compiled from: Al-Hind, the Making of the Indo-Islamic World: The Slavic Kings and the Islamic conquest, 11th–13th centuries, Oxford University Press, 1997, page 76-78.

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Offline Rasate

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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #321 on: April 04, 2015, 22:15 »
И къде са доказателствата ,че старобългарският език е тюрски. ;D ;D ;D

Моето доказателство е цялата стара наша писменост от 9 век насам и на цяла плеяда български автори като Черноризец Храбър,Климент ,Наум ,Горазд и т.н. които пишат само на един език признат от цял свят като български.

Тюркистите сте ми нещо като македонците- които пишат за Самуил и Делчев- че видиш ли били македонци, макар че всички писмени източници от тях и на децата им след тях се пише ,че са българи. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline Marlboro

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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #322 on: April 05, 2015, 00:52 »
Моето доказателство е цялата стара наша писменост от 9 век насам и на цяла плеяда български автори като Черноризец Храбър,Климент ,Наум ,Горазд и т.н. които пишат само на един език признат от цял свят като български.

Kolko si zle samo, haidushki !

Do 9_ti vek dinastiqta na Dylo bulgar - turkite  osnovateli govorqt na turkski kato sabratqta im ot Volshka Bulgaria. 

 Obache za tvoqta pra-pra-pra baba  na kakuv ezik e govorila nikoi ne znae, shtoto ti samiq ne mojesh da dokajesh otkade e praknala,  nali  ?   

Tova ti se kaza no vie haidytite ste s manichki bramchila i zabravqte, barzo !

 Vizantiiski misioneri  povikani ot Veliko-Moravskiq  princ Rastislav vasal na Frankskata Imperiq, da izychat Bibleiskoto ychenie na edin i sasht ezik  razlichni plemena v Centralna Evropa, a ezika  cherkovno slovo
(sled vreme promeneno ot Ryskata imperiq s propagandnoto Panslavqnsko dvijenie na cherkovno slovensko "slavqnsko")

Frankskata imperiq pochva da gi presledva tezi misioneri s ybistva, chetirima ot tqh bqgat do Tyna- Bulgar koga na vlast e Bars ( Bori-"s" graksko-vizantiiska nastavka) Tai kato po tova vreme  v Tuna - Bulgar se govori na razlichni ezici, a elita, osnovatelite govorqt na turkski sashto kato Voshkite bulgar-turki.
Bars vavejda otkradnatite Klimentovi Kopski bykvi, tai kato ychiteli na tezi misioneri sa dvama vizantiiski monaha Kiril i Metodius azbykata se vpisva na tqhno ime kato "kirilica".

Predi krajbata na Kopskite bykvi ot Kliment taka sa ychili razni plemena dvamata Vizantiiski bratq Kiril i Metodius

A page from the Flowery Triod (Triod' cvetnaja) from about 1491, one of the oldest printed Byzantine-Slavonic books, National Library of Poland.

Тюркистите сте ми нещо като македонците- които пишат за Самуил и Делчев- че видиш ли били македонци, макар че всички писмени източници от тях и на децата им след тях се пише ,че са българи.    

Samuil ne e ot  bulgar-turkite nito ot dinastiqta Dulo nito nqkakuv si Delchev.

Sled razgroma na Parvata Bulgarska imperiq ot strana na Rysko -Vizantiiskata imperii teritoriqta na Parvata Bulgarska imperiq ( Imperiq e bila  haidyte a ne darjava )  e ot reka Iskar do reka Struma i po  neznaini prichini na vlast se izkachva nqkkakuv Vizantiisko - evreiski  komita Nikola koito e bashta  na David , Moses , Aron i Samuil   ( vse velikolepni "bAlgaski"  imena nali , haidyte !!! )    8)

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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #323 on: April 05, 2015, 01:04 »
The First Bulgarian Empire became known simply as Bulgaria[19] since its recognition by the Byzantine Empire in 681. Some historians use the terms Danube Bulgaria,[20] First Bulgarian State,[21][22] or First Bulgarian Tsardom (Empire). Between 681 and 864 the country was also known as the Bulgarian Khanate,[23] Danube Bulgarian Khanate, or Danube Bulgar Khanate[24][25] in order to differentiate it from Volga Bulgaria, which emerged from another Bulgar group. During its early existence, the country was also called the Bulgar state[26]or Bulgar qaghnate.[27] Between 864 and 917/927, the country was known as the Principality of Bulgaria or Knyazhestvo Bulgaria.
In English language sources, the country is often known as the Bulgarian Empire.[28]
Created as a union between Bulgars and Slavs, for mutual protection against the Byzantine Empire to the south and the Avars to the north-west, the First Bulgarian Empire was ruled according to Bulgar tradition with the head of state being the Khan. The Slavs kept significant autonomy and eventually their language and traditions shaped the Bulgarian culture and people with Bulgaria becoming a Slavic country.


During the time of the late
Roman Empire, the lands of present-day Bulgaria had been organized into several provinces - Scythia Minor, Moesia (Upper and Lower), Thrace, Macedonia (First and Second), Dacia (north of the Danube), Dardania, Rhodope and Hermimont, and had a mixed population of Romanized Getae and Hellenized Thracians. Several consecutive waves of Slavic migration throughout the 6th and early 7th centuries led to the almost complete Slavicization of the region, at least linguistically.

The Bulgars

The Bulgars, who included
Scytho-Sarmatian and Turkic elements, formed part of the Western Turkic Khaganate.[29] Between 630 and 635, KhanKubrat managed to unite the main Bulgar tribes, creating a powerful confederation called Old Great Bulgaria, also known as Onoguria.[30] Under strong Khazar pressure Old Great Bulgaria disintegrated in 668.[31] Afterwards Khan Asparuh parted ways to seek a secure home. He was followed by 30,000 to 50,000 Bulgars.[32] In 680 Asparukh founded after the Battle of Ongal the First Bulgarian Empire, south of the Danube on Byzantine territory. It was officially recognized as an independent state by the Byzantine Empire in 681.[33][34][35]

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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #324 on: April 05, 2015, 13:59 »

Дай доказателства защитени с източници.

А за Самуил ще дам само един надпис от племенникът му Владислав ,кръстил детето си на прадядо си Персиян,

Според някой автори комит Никола е син на комит Гавраил,син на Кан Персиян и брат на княз Борис-Михаил , по този начин исторически се оправдават и двете имена  на техните потомци Гавраил-Радомир и Пресиян II син на Иван-Владислав,последният български цар от рода Дуло(Дуан) .

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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #326 on: April 05, 2015, 21:18 »

Haidyte, tezi vsichki sa ot dinastiqta na Comitopolite a ne ot Dulo, ti neshto hepten si izql pachata !

A termina Comitopoli idva ot Vizantiiskoto "comes"  komita = gradonachalnik.
Vizantiici ne znaqt nishto za samovazkacheniq komit Nikola, koi i shto za chovek, zatova gi narichat Komitopoli Dinastiq.

Imeto na "Presian" v Jafar Tarih e Birdzihan sin na Sabanša i bashta na Bars ( Bori-"s").[/size][/font]

Na Birdzihan ( Persian ) ne se znae  koq e jena my Birdzihan nikoga ne e imal sin na ime Gavrail tova ime e postaveno ot haidyshki "istorici".
Do Bars (Bori-"s" krastitelq ) vsichki naslednici imat turkski imena !!!

The 17th century Volga Bulgar compilation Ja'far Tarikh, a work of disputed authenticity, represents Birdžihan (i.e., Presian) as the son of Sabanša

Cometopuli dynastyOrigin and members
The actual name of the dynasty is not known. “Cometopuli” is merely the nickname which is used by Byzantine historians to address rulers from the dynasty as its founder, boyar Nikola, was a comes (governor, cognate to "count"; Byzantine Greek Κóμης, from the Latin; Bulgarian Комита Komita) probably of the region of Sredetz (the present-day capital of Bulgaria, Sofia). According to some sources the dynasty was of Armenian origin.
In 969 AD and following the Russo-Byzantine conquest of Eastern Bulgaria, count Nikola assumed control of the Bulgarian lands west of the rivers Iskar and Struma. By the time of the Byzantine conquest of Preslav and the dethronement of Tsar Boris II in 972, Nikola had been killed and the rule assumed by his four sons, David, Aaron, Moses, and Samuil. David led the defence of southwestern Bulgaria and resided in Prespa, Moses of southeastern Bulgaria residing in Strumica, Aaron ruled over the region of Sredetz, whereas Samuel was in charge of northern Bulgaria with the town of Bdin (Vidin).

On his writings of the 11th-century historian Asoghikwrote that Samuil had only one brother. According to Asoghik who lived in
Derjan, located in an Armenian region of the Byzantine Empire, Samuil was also from Derjan and had Armenian origin.

Asoghik version is supported by the historian
Nicholas Adontz who analyzes in depth the events and facts of the century and comes to the conclusion that Samuil had only one brother – David.

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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #327 on: April 05, 2015, 21:56 »
Великата китайска стена не е строена от китайци?
... самият император яхнал вълшебния си бял кон...    :-\ :o
Източник;D ;D ;D
                                                                                                                                                                                  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Rasate

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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #328 on: April 05, 2015, 22:09 »
Тук вече виждам ,че не познаваш историята. Името Комитопули е ново- създадено от историците за да наименуват потомците на Комит Никола.

Но не само Никола е бил комит,Комити са били и Салан,Глад,Морут, Гелу и пр. и всички те са от род Дуло (Дуан).

(Menumorout ... per legatos proprios Bulgarica corde mandando )-анонимна унгарска хроника.

Offline Marlboro

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Ynt: Re: Произход на българите !
« Reply #329 on: April 06, 2015, 03:59 »
Comitopoli dinastiq narichat vizantiiski istorici sled kato se samoprovazglasqva "comes" komita = gradonachalni (gubernator) Nikola, kato vizantiiskite istorici ne znaqt otkade e praknal tozi Nikola. 
Narichat go gradonachalnik shtoto po tova vreme Parvata Bulgarska imperiq e ynishtojena ot Ryso- Vizantiiskata voina, zatova za vizantiicite toizi Nikola e samo edin gradonachalnik.

Tozi klinopisen nadpis na Vladislav, nikoi haidyt ne moje da go prochete k'vo pishe tam na "bAlgarski"

Eto (vizantiisko-gracki) taka pishat po vremeto na Birdzihan:

Part of the Presian Inscription, which references Isbul, in the Archaeological Museum of Philippi's lapidarium.