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Offline Тоска

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« on: December 30, 2011, 22:37 »
Драги колеги и съфорумници,

В скоро време ще променим името на сайта на . Очаквам Вашите коментари. :)

Offline ibrahim65

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« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 23:04 »
Господин Тоска и всички останали нуждаеме се от едно постояно обновяване.
Но ако се промени името на сайта с друго име мен ме няма какво ще да е той.
Не е вазможно да се откажа от това име той така се е впило в мен че не е възможно да му обърна гръп.
Мойто мнение 24 часа ПОМАК за закуска ПОМАК за обяд ПОМАК за вечеря ПОМАК и преди лягане три пъти ПОМАК.

за да ви докажа прочетете нещо лично мое--

Не знам от къде да започна, но знам, че съм ПОМАК.
Да ПОМАК, гордост, слава начин на живот.
ПОМАК - гордост стига да знаеш да се гордееш с думата ПОМАК.
Да ПОМАК, тежест, стига да можеш да носиш тази тежест ПОМАК.
Да ПОМАК, тази единствена дума само от пет букви описваща толкова много.
Да, да аз съм ПОМАК в душата си, в сърцето си толкова дълбоко,
че е само за мен, само на мен, да на мен и никой друг.
ПОМАК толкова просто, толкова леко, че чуствам крилата си.
Обичам да наричам нещата със истинските имена.
Обичам да се определям, а не да ме определят.
Обичам хората до мен, а не над мен.
Обичам всички въпреки различията.
Но за да обичам всичко това, трябва да обичам себе си.
Но най вече коренът, а той е един и той е дълбок.
Клони може да кършите колкото си искате .
Но коренът е мой, само мой дълбоко в душата ми.
А когато нямам душа, нямам корен, нямам нищо.
Без душа не мога да обичам, не мога да живея.

Offline EvroPOMAK

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« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2011, 00:31 »
Пак ли, пак Възраждане , а, де, бре аркадашесь, то не  мине време и, ай па отново смена, промена и изкривена, на Помакосите, ама, то давайте, те са привикинали, все да ги променят, амь, ако може актуланите ежедневни и злободневни  теми вместо от 10 - 15 да ги сторите 30, това ще е най-добре, то и без туй на чилякьа да му втъръсне от Възродителни процеси, ама щом, ако е за добро на Помаклъка, нема как, ше премальчими и нема да галчимье, ама, ай, как и да е ...... !  ::) ??? 8) :o :( >:( ;D :D :) ;)

Offline Hat

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« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2012, 12:36 »
Драги колеги и колешки,

В скоро време ще променим името на сайта на помак.еу. Очаквам Вашите коментари. :)
Нужна ли е такава промяна и ако да какво я налага искам да попитам аз.Наистина много сериозно трябва да се подходи по този въпрос,да се обмисли добре.

Offline Тоска

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« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2012, 20:19 »
До скоро  ...  :)

Offline Тоска

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« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2012, 16:54 »
Айде нека ни е честито новата ни  Домейн.   ;)

Offline Serif mkd

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« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2012, 19:31 »
Айде нека ни е честито новата ни  Домейн.   ;)
Честито нека е и селами о поздрави до сите членови !

Offline KaraIbrahim

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« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2012, 21:31 »
   Да ни е честито!

Offline James

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« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2012, 23:40 »
  Dear Pomaks all over the world, while reading the posted article titled:  "Bulgarian Muslims demand their names back at landmark rally"   ( at the address:    one reads: [...because of fears that the Muslim minorities, whose birth-rate is said to be higher than the national average, are a potential source of Islamic fundamentalism which could be exploited by Turkey.]     Yes it is very true! The turkish ministry of external affairs is constantly ''after'' the Pomaks wherever they live. The turkish position as stated from ankara is to press and brainwash all Pomaks into believing that they are turks instead of Pomaks! The turkish government has put ALOT of money in this cause. See the great damage turkey has done in Greece where the poor Greek Pomaks are almost entirely robbed of their names, ethnic culture and background due to turkey's fanatic anti-pomak policies. So the phrase that turkey ''might'' exploit the Pomaks is an understatement. The turks are already  EXPLOITING  the Pomaks wherever they live! Thankyou for your time and I am awaiting your comments.

Offline Marlboro

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« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2012, 05:47 »
 Dobre shte ti vliqe ,ako chetesh tozi artikl vseki den po 3-ri pati  :

United Nations
Human Rights Council

Nineteenth session
Agenda item 3
Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,
political, economic, social and cultural rights,
including the right to development
Report of the independent expert on minority issues
Mission to Bulgaria (4 to 11 July 2011)

Recognition and rights of Macedonian and Pomak communities

66. Article 54 of the Bulgarian Constitution states that “everyone shall have the right to avail himself of the national and universal human cultural values and to develop his own culture in accordance with his ethnic self-identification, which shall be recognized and guaranteed by the law.” However, the Government denies the existence of an ethnic Macedonian minority, and does not recognize the Pomaks (considered as Bulgarian-speaking Muslims by the Government) as a distinct minority – claiming that both groups are in fact ethnic Bulgarians. Representatives of those who self-identify as ethnic Macedonians and as Pomaks claim that their minority rights are consequently violated.
67. Ethnic Macedonians consider it of crucial importance that their ethnic identity and distinctiveness be officially recognized. Community representatives strongly dispute census findings reflecting very low and declining numbers of Macedonians,39 and claim that the true population is many times higher. The Macedonian language is not recognized or taught in schools and Macedonians are not represented on the National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Integration Issues.
68. Representatives of Pomak communities, many of whom live in the Rhodope Mountains region, described the historic lack of recognition of Pomaks as a distinct ethnic and religious minority. The history of the Pomaks is disputed, and different groups who identify as Pomak may also identify as being of Turkish origin. Representatives described historic attempts to assimilate them into Bulgarian society through the requirement to change their Turkish-Arabic names to Bulgarian names, and forced conversion to the Christian Eastern Orthodox Church.
69. While noting that excesses of former Governments had ceased, community representatives described a continuing climate of suspicion against them manifested in acts of discrimination and harassment, restriction on enjoyment of cultural life, detention of Imams and raids of houses or religious premises by State security services on the grounds of alleged links to religious extremism, which they reject as unfounded.
70. Religious and community leaders in the city of Blagoevgrad showed the independent expert anti-Muslim and anti-Turkish graffiti and swastikas painted on the walls of the city mosque despite the fact that Muslims in the region do not identify as Turkish nor do they speak Turkish. The Mufti complained that the graffiti was consistently replaced each time it was removed by the community. Leaders expressed concerns over the positions and statements of political parties, notably Ataka, that they consider to be fueling Islamophobic sentiments against them.

Offline Тоска

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« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2012, 08:44 »
"Islamic fundamentalism which could be exploited by Turkey"

James, This is surely alogically. As far as we know there exists many fundamentalists who are arab origin from middle East & Some part of Africa. They are promoting sheria and most of them are from wahhabis. 

The turkish position as stated from ankara is to press and brainwash all Pomaks into believing that they are turks instead of Pomaks!
Although it may be true that Turkey wants them to assure their positions meet that definition but according to me pomaks who live in northern greece agree to voluntarily accept Turkish policies.

* Meanwhile i will move this thread to the english section.


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« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2012, 22:03 »

James, This is surely alogically. As far as we know there exists many fundamentalists who are arab origin from middle East & Some part of Africa. They are promoting sheria and most of them are from wahhabis. 
Although it may be true that Turkey wants them to assure their positions meet that definition but according to me pomaks who live in northern greece agree to voluntarily accept Turkish policies.

* Meanwhile i will move this thread to the english section.

Communism in Bulgaria was knife without handle ! In one side it gives so called "pomaks" the true that they are not slaves and their roots as Bulgarians and make them "white people", but in other hand changed their names Muslim names. In Greece this was used to keep in fear pomaks from Bulgaria and push them to Turkey and this is why so called "pomaks" in northern Greece accept Turkey police, falsely believing that they are turks!

Offline Тоска

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« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2012, 23:56 »
Communism in Bulgaria was knife without handle ! In one side it gives so called "pomaks" the true that they are not slaves and their roots as Bulgarians and make them "white people", but in other hand changed their names Muslim names. In Greece this was used to keep in fear pomaks from Bulgaria and push them to Turkey and this is why so called "pomaks" in northern Greece accept Turkey police, falsely believing that they are turks!

There is some truth in that quotation so Greece had helped its own pomaks to be educated with Turkish as their native language! Perhaps it was not quite a logical decision of greek government because they helped them to their turkification process.

Offline Marlboro

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« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2012, 05:04 »
You do not need to wash your hands with the communists from the past.
Today we see many Internet users in Bulgaria, there must be millions. This is not so simple in the sense of people. Most of them are in active age ... not retired. Of course there are exceptions, but look at all of the other media forum's comments on the Internet, such as articles like this in which we write. So you can now see what the sentiment of the majority is. Of course there may be disagreements and different opinions but the insults and hatred are too much. As to smile through the streets but then on the Internet anonymously they "vomit" all malice and hatred that stay in their souls ... of course there are exceptions. While the majority thinks the way we read in other forums' comments are unfortunate, they are also true so you don't need to blame only the communists.

    I also strictly disagree with your acknowledgement. All ethnic groups in Turkey can freely represent themselves in the common community. But unfortunately, in my first post, it shows that the ethnic groups in Bulgaria can not represent themselves freely, spoken by the UN Human Rights Council expert.

Offline Turas

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« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2012, 22:16 »
You do not need to wash your hands with the communists from the past.
Today we see many Internet users in Bulgaria, there must be millions. This is not so simple in the sense of people. Most of them are in active age ... not retired. Of course there are exceptions, but look at all of the other media forum's comments on the Internet, such as articles like this in which we write. So you can now see what the sentiment of the majority is. Of course there may be disagreements and different opinions but the insults and hatred are too much. As to smile through the streets but then on the Internet anonymously they "vomit" all malice and hatred that stay in their souls ... of course there are exceptions. While the majority thinks the way we read in other forums' comments are unfortunate, they are also true so you don't need to blame only the communists.

    I also strictly disagree with your acknowledgement. All ethnic groups in Turkey can freely represent themselves in the common community. But unfortunately, in my first post, it shows that the ethnic groups in Bulgaria can not represent themselves freely, spoken by the UN Human Rights Council expert.
:D :D :D Ей лъжец..... ;)