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Nikade nikoga ne sa namereni nikakvi yliki za sashtestvyvaneto na King David ili sina my Solomon nito i Isus/ Yeshua tova sa mitove spored ycheni arheolozi , sashto taka Nazaret ne sashtestvyva po vremeto koga "jivee" Isys.
Nazaret e sazdaden slet 3-ti vek predi 9000 godini tam po tezi mesta e imalo selishta s nq'kuv kult, ynishtojeni sa bili selishtata ot Asiriicite prez 720 pr.n.era.
Arheolozi sa namerili kamennite kytii s imena kade sa sahranqvali kostite na jitelite ot okolnostite na Nazaret koito ne syshtestvyval po tova vreme.
V edna ot kytiite pishe:
"James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus."
"Ya'akov bar Yoseph achui d Yeshua"
Koeto se chte ot dqsno na lqvo !
Ime kato Yeshua e bilo populqrno po tezi kyltovi selishta.
Alerted by scholar Andre Lemaire, an article appeared in the November-December issue of Biblical Archaeology Review – flatly stating that "This container provides the only New Testament-era mention of the central figure of Christianity and is the first-ever archaeological discovery to corroborate Biblical references to Jesus."
Subeyi Kurt:
Президент России В. Путин принял исламh
Тук нещо ми заприлича на жълта преса. ;D
Ring with "for Allah" inscription found in Viking grave
Пръстен с "Аллах" надпис, открит в Viking гроб
Islamic inscription on ancient ring is first proof of its kind in Scandinavia of contact between Muslims and Viking centuries ago, Swedish scientists say.
World Bulletin / News Desk
The discovery of an Islamic inscription on a ring inside a Viking coffin has confirmed ancient tales about contact between Viking Age Scandinavia and the Islamic world.
The silver ring, recovered from a wooden coffin containing the skeleton of a female buried about 850 A.D., was originally found during excavations between 1872 and 1895 of graves at the Viking age trading center of Birka on Björkö Island near the Swedish capital of Stockholm.
But scientists using a scanning electron microscope have only recently discovered the Arabic Kufic inscription "Inshallah'' was inscribed on the ring, Swedish media reported on Thursday.
Sebastian Wärmländer, biophysicist of Stockholm University, told Discovery News: "It’s the only ring with an Arabic inscription found in Scandinavia.
"We have a few other Arabic-style rings, but without inscriptions."
Wärmländer and his colleagues wrote in the journal Scanning after their discovery in February: "Our analysis shows that the studied ring consists of a high quality (94.5 percent) non-gilded silver alloy, set with a stone of colored soda-lime glass with an Arabic inscription reading some version of the word 'Allah'."- 'Direct interaction'The Swedish researchers interpreted the inscription on the ring, which featured a pink-violet colored stone, as "il-la-lah" meaning "For/To Allah".
However, alternative interpretations say the letters could also be read as “INs…LLH” meaning “Inshallah” (God-willing).
The discovery provides evidence of direct interaction between Vikings and Islamic countries, according to the researchers.
“The Viking Sagas and Chronicles tell us of Viking expeditions to the Black and Caspian Seas and beyond, but we don’t know what is fact and what is fiction in these stories,” Wärmländer said.
“The mint condition of the ring corroborates ancient tales about direct contacts between Viking Age Scandinavia and the Islamic world,” he said.
This ring is currently housed at the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm.
Subeyi Kurt:
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