Author Topic: За религиите.  (Read 171659 times)

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Offline ibrahim65

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Re: За религиите.
« Reply #435 on: March 26, 2013, 11:45 »
Егаси и егоистичната молитва. :D :D :D
 Сякаш само българи живеят на тази планета.
Боже, Господи, прости им! Те не знаят какво правят!!!  8)

Абе не му забелязвайте този е гръмнат, пък и не е лесно, да си между чужди.

Само не можах да разбера за коя България се моли, стара, пре-стара велика, пре-велика,
дали за сегашната, а да бе има и една по нова, най-новата, в СеСеСеР-то.  ???  ::) ;)

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Offline Subeyi Kurt

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Re: За религиите.
« Reply #437 on: October 18, 2013, 16:02 »

” Евреите се наричат хора, християните не са хора.”;

 ”Ако евреин убие християнин, той не извършва никакъв грях.”;

Любен Каравелов остава огнусен и потресен от това, което вижда в еврейското гето. Той самия описва евреите така:

“Евреите са известни на сичкият свят не само със своята телесна, но и душевна нечистота.”

И преди да разгледаме къде и кога евреите са били прогонвани нека завършим с един цитат на Марк Твен:

“Всички народи се мразят помежду си, а всички заедно мразят евреите.”

Offline Subeyi Kurt

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Offline Subeyi Kurt

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Re: За религиите.
« Reply #439 on: May 04, 2014, 14:05 »
Сензация! Исус Христос не е бил разпънат на кръст!   (  S.K. - tova ne protivorechi i na sveshteniya  Koran)

Offline Marlboro

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Re: За религиите.
« Reply #440 on: May 06, 2014, 02:46 »
British-born, award-winning journalist Yvonne Ridley is well known in the Muslim world for her outspoken views and defence of Islam.

Offline Marlboro

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Re: За религиите.
« Reply #441 on: May 07, 2014, 07:34 »
Jordanian Christian kills daughter for converting to Islam

The woman was killed by her father on Wednesday a short time after she converted to Islam when she attended a lecture by prominent Saudi preacher Mohamed al-Arefe at the Jordanian University in Amman.
World Bulletin / News Desk
Scores of Jordanians on Thursday tried to break into a church in the northern Ajloun province in protest against the reported killing of a local girl by her Christian father on the background of her recent conversion to Islam, a Jordanian security source said.
"Some residents of Al-Wahadinah village besieged and tried to storm into the church, a short time after some youth attempted to burn it down before security forces intervened," the security source told Anadolu Agency on condition of anonymity.
He added that the woman was killed by her father on Wednesday a short time after she converted to Islam when she attended a lecture by prominent Saudi preacher Mohamed al-Arefe at the Jordanian University in the capital Amman.
"He hit her with a stone on the head," the security source said of the woman. "She died immediately," he added.
The protesters, who gathered outside an administrative province building before they headed to the church on Thursday, called for burying the slain woman in a cemetery designated for Muslims.
Jordanian authorities have not commented on the accident yet.
Christians make up 2.2 percent of Jordan's eight million population, according to a 2014 census.

Offline Marlboro

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Re: За религиите.
« Reply #442 on: May 07, 2014, 07:37 »
Turkey's religious head calls for interfaith respect

Mehmet Gormez stressed the need for getting used to living in a world with multiple religions.

World Bulletin / News Desk
Interfaith respect is of utmost importance in a global world where all cultures find a suitable atmosphere for coexistence, the head of Turkey's Religious Directorate said on Monday.
In a meeting in Turkish capital, Ankara, with the prime minister of the German state of Lower Saxony, Mehmet Gormez stressed the need for getting used to living in a world with multiple religions.
He presented the famous 13th century sufi poet Rumi as an example to be followed, citing the well-known lines attributed to him: "Come, come whoever you are / An unbeliever, a fire-worshipper, come."
For his part, Lower Saxony's Prime Minister Stephan Weil said people from different religious backgrounds "need to respect each other”.
He said he had visited the mosques in Lower Saxony as part of his election campaign. “As a state we want to show how we accept the Muslims, how we respect and appreciate them."
At least four million Muslims, most of them Turks, live in Germany, whose main religion is Christianity.

Offline pisatel

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Re: За религиите.
« Reply #443 on: May 22, 2014, 21:23 »
Literary and Writers Federation for World Peace.
Dear Sir/ madam, Here I submit my book  ‘God , love, live’. Its plot could be used for making TV series, influenced by the religious theme. There hasn`t been such projects so far in Bulgaria. The book is written, following the BIBLE AND THE KORAN. In this way would support the interreligious tolerance, which is a base for developing a peaceful and free word, that`s God`s Will. I ask for your cooperation and assistance. Thank you in advance. MARIA KOLAROVA-VASHKEVICH, SOFIA 1113, #2, j.Kyuri str.,ap.4; Tel. +359 870 5542, Mob. +359 887 213 163; e-mail: . Jan, 2014, Sofia. ,
 До ......Предлагаме Ви текст на български и руски език за първия по рода си телевизионен сериал на религиозна тематика „Бог, любовта и животът”. Търсим помощ за филмирането му. С уважение: Мария Коларова- Вашкевич, т.02/8705542 ; 0887213163; E-mail:  ; Михаил Вашкевич: т. 02/8705542; 0882273163; . 2014, София

Offline Subeyi Kurt

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Ynt: За религиите.
« Reply #444 on: September 03, 2014, 22:27 »
Османците съзнателно са запазвали местното самоуправление на подвластната им рая; за религиозни преследвания те не са и помисляли, понеже ислямът забранявал да се ограничава религиозната свободата на останалите [монотеистични] народи. Патриархът заедно със събора са получили ролята на върховно ръководство над православните (гърци, сърби, българи, руси и т.н.) и на съда в споровете между тях. Те са могли да назначават наказания на православните поданици, включително и смъртни, като османските власти обикновено са ги изпълнявали без възражения ( Zahari Stoyanov)

Offline Marlboro

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Ynt: За религиите.
« Reply #445 on: September 05, 2014, 16:29 »

Offline pisatel

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Ynt: За религиите.
« Reply #446 on: September 10, 2014, 20:19 »
Ново. Покана. Приглашение. Invite, Welcome To Sofia. Юбилей. Михаил Вашкевич-Беларус: , . Дорогие друзья, скъпи приятели, уважаемые коллеги „ Посланици на мира”, этот год 2014 мой юбилейный, я заканчиваю 70 лет своей жизни. Приготовтесь, я приглашаю вас всех на чашу прекрасного българского вина на 20 сентября 2014 года, суббота, 18 часа, адрес: ул. „Фредерик Жолио Кюри” №2, /във двора/. Заранее сердечно говорю, для меня будет большая обида если ты не придеш на мой юбилей, значит моя жизнь прошла напрасно. Не имей 100 рублей, а имей сто друзей, но хорошо да будет и то и другое. С уважение и радость за предстоящую встречу с вами Михаил Вашкевич: tel. 0882/273163, +3592 9832148. :laugh:

Offline Marlboro

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Ynt: За религиите.
« Reply #448 on: October 29, 2014, 06:48 »

Offline Subeyi Kurt

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