Author Topic: Красиви жени- Мюсюлманки / Beautiful muslim women /  (Read 16792 times)

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  Това е Нова тема.!
 Нека представим жените мюсюлманки по света за красотата им и отговорноста за семейството,както и участието на жени мюсюлманки на световния подиум за красота на жената по света!
 Очаквам конструктивни отговори само по темата,без политика.!

 Има стотици такива жени по сериалите,,по модните конкурси,има много  мис Свят жени мюсюлманки.
Нека това да покажем тук!

П.С:- Темата е отворена и за всички  наши помашки момичета, жени, фотомодели-мюсюлманки без значение къде живеят да се представят,сайта ни дава шанс за това!

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  Famous Muslim Women by Christine Huda Dodge Известни мюсюлмански жени от Кристин Huda Dodge
През времето, мюсюлманските жени са послужили активно в своите общности и засегнати техните общества.!
From the earliest centuries of Islam, women have been scholars, leaders, advisers, and businesswomen. От най-ранните векове на исляма, жените са били учени, ръководители, съветници, и бизнес дами.
Along with being wives and mothers who are supportive of leaders, Muslim women have been leaders themselves. Наред с това съпруги и майки, които са в подкрепа на лидерите, мюсюлманските жени са били лидери себе си.

Some women stand out as exemplary role models of Muslim women.

Някои жени се открояват като примерни модели за подражание на мюсюлманските жени.

  DNES- Realnosta.
Мюсюлманите не трябва да търси само в древната история за жени модели за подражание.

In more recent times, women have served in the Muslim world as writers, doctors, scientists, politicians, and even prime ministers.
 В по-ново време, жените са служили в мюсюлманския свят като писатели, лекари, учени, политици и дори министър-председатели,фотомодели за красота,вижте в Индонезия,Турция..

Turkish Women(the most beautiful in world)

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От едно време се знае,  майките  винаги се грижат за семейството,и са красиви и в душите си с обич. На клипа една майка-мюсюлманка отдадена на семейството.!
SAMI YUSUF - Mother ( Anam )


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Kadin Dedigin...! Siir:Can Yücal....Yorum:Ali Dilekci...
Kadın Dediğin

Kadının hası yumuşak başlı olmaz, ama ağırbaşlı ve sıcak olur.
Ağırbaşlılıktan kastım, sıkıcılık değil elbet.
Şımarıklığın da hakkını verir.
Ağırbaşlı tebessümleri olur bir de.
Kadın yüzü dediğin mahkeme duvarına benzemeyecek.
Bu tebessümler sevgidir.
Yumuşacık bir sevgi olur kadın yüreğinde.
Kim olursa olsun, ne yaşamış olursa olsun.
Erkeğini dizine yatırıp saçlarını okşamayı bilir gerçek bir kadın.
Kadının hası nerede, nasıl davranacağını bilir…
İnsanların içinde kapris yapmaz, hır çıkarmaz; ama gerçek bir
Osmanlı kadını gibi,adabıyla, raconuyla istediğini alır.
Dırdır etmez.
Çok konuşup, baskı yapıp erkeği bezdirmez.
Yüz göz olmaz kadının hası.
Bazen öyle bir bakar ki, hele bir de bazen öyle bir susar ki,
bin tümceye bedeldir bu bakmalarla susmalar.
Bu kadın üzülmeyi de bilir, ağlamayı da,kızmayı da.
Ama üzmemek lazım, ayrıca kızdırmaya da gelmez.
Gerçek bir kadın ezik durmaz.
Kambur yürümez, dimdik durur.
Kendine saygısı, güveni vardır.
Erkeğine can yoldaşı olur,destek olur, onu dinlemeyi bilir.
Bazen utangaç olur, bazen ürkek.
Soğuktan ya da yalnızlıktan korkabilir kadın.
Aptal olmaz gerçek bir kadın.
Bön bön bakmaz adamların suratına.
Hülyalı bakışları da olsa, zihni uyanık olur.
Hüznü, gökten deli deli yağan yağmur gibi olur, saçlarından akar.
Neşesi ise öyle renkli, öyle dağınık; saçları savrulur.
Kahkahaları vardır bu kadının, çın çın eder odaların duvarlarında. Sesi güzel olur kadının, biraz buğulu...
Arada bir pencereye yaslar başını,sokağa dalıp gider, bir şarkı söyler. Olgunluğuyla şaşırtır erkeği.
Bazen de öyle çocuk olur, öyle sağlam saçmalar ki,
yine, yine şaşırtır onu.Sıkmaz kadın,
bunaltmaz, yaşa yaşa bitmez.
Huzur verir varlığıyla. İçmesini de bilir kadının hası.
Bazı akşamlar anason kokulu tüter sofrasının sıcağı.
İçli bir türkü dinler bazen, üşür, sırtına hırkasını alır.
Konuşurken insanın yüzüne bakar kadın.
Kibirli olmaz. Kültürsüz olmaz. Bomboş olmaz kafası.

Dünyanın, ülkenin olaylarını bilir,anlar,
söyleyecek sözü vardır.
Kişiliklidir. Beceriklidir.
Tırnağı kırılınca üzülür, üzülür işte,
profesör de olsa, sultan da olsa,
boksör de olsa üzülür. Gerçek bir kadın hiçbir zaman reklam panolarındaki kızlara benzemez.
Etini teşhir etmez. Fosforlu bir taş gibiliği yoktur onun, loş bir cazibesi vardır.
Albenisi metrelerce öteden çarpar adamı.
Ne kadar örtüneceğini, ne kadar açılacağını, yerine ve zamanına görebilir.
Gerçek bir kadın Paris podyumlarında yürüyen,
17. yüzyılın vebalı kadınları gibi mankenlere benzemez.
Uzun saçları vardır kadının.
Yumuşak olur, güzel kokar.
Kadının hası saçlarını ne zaman toplayacağını, ne zaman salacağını bilir.
Kadına yaraşmaz soğukluk.
Gerçek bir kadın göbek atmayı, gerdan kırmayı, iyi becerir;
ama öyle her yerde masaların üstüne çıkıp oynamaz.
Havasında oldu mu, bir oynadı mı, herkes onu izler.
Kadın korunmayı sever, ama korunmaya muhtaç olmaz.

Erkekler korumayı severler, ama yine de güçsüz, zavallı kadınlardan hoşlanmazlar.

Güçlü kadından ise çekinirler, ona yanaşamazlar.

Kadının hası bu dengeyi kurmayı bilir;
gücünü erkeğin gözüne gözüne sokmaz.
Has kadına naz da yakışır, kapris de.

Öyle tatlı, öyle kıvamlı naz eder ki,
onun nazını erkek zevkle çeker.

Gerçek bir kadın şiir gibi olur,
mey gibi olur,
ömür gibi olur.


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Remziye Hisar was born in 1902 in Üsküp.She is the first woman chemist in Turkish Republic and first Turkish woman who graduated from Sorbonne University in France.she was a very clever student that she finished three-year primary school in one year.After this,she went to the Inas Junior High School in Emirgan,Istanbul.she applied for the university and studied for preparation class for two years.she was the smartest student in the class and because of that,she tutored for the other subclass students in mathematics and geometry. She studied chemistry at the university.The reason why she chose chemistry was that ,there was no Turkish scientist who was famous around the world.She wanted to be a well known turkish scientist one day.It was her dream. During her study at the university,she went to Bakü with one of her teacher and classmates.She found herself into the war in Bakü.she didn’t give up even though there was a hard living conditions.She started working there as a teacher in the teaching school for boys. She met her husband,Re?it Süreyya Gürsey,who was a doctor while she was in Russia.
She and her husband came back to Turkey.After a while,she had to go to Adana and worked there as a head of the school.It was very hard for her to work there though.While she was working there her husband got ill and had to go to Paris for his treatment.Remziye Hisar also went there with his husband Since she was there, she decided to continue her education.she studied chemisty at the Sorbonne University hoping to be well known one day.She took lessons from the famous lecturers such as Langevin and Madame Curie. She got her sertificate in biochemistry.Remziye Hisar was getting a scholarship then in France.When she was about to start her doctorate degree she lost her scholarship and had to return to Turkey.Then she started working in a High School as a Chemistry teacher.After a rigorous effort she went back to Paris again for her doctorate.She finally recieved her doctorate degree. After she completed her doctorate thesis,she returned to Turkey and she worked at the ?stanbul University as a associate professor in chemistry and physical chemistry.In 1947,she also worked at the ITU(?stanbul Technical University). She became a professor in 1959 and she was retired in 1973.remziye Hisar,who was the typical Turkish Republic woman,is a mother of Feza Gürsey,who is worldwide known physicist,and Deha Gürsey,who is a phychiatrist. She won a TÜBiTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Institutions of Turkey) award.

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Safiye Ali
Safiye Ali (1891-1952) was the first Turkish woman to become a medical doctor. She treated the soldiers in the Turkish War of Independence, the Balkan Wars, and in World War I. She studied medicine in Germany in 1916, and opened her office in Istanbul in 1922.

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Sabiha Gökçen
Sabiha Gökçen (March 22, 1913, Bursa—March 22, 2001, Ankara) was the first female combat pilot in the world and the first Turkish aviatrix, aged 23.She was one of the eight adopted children of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

Early lifeAccording to Turkish sources and interviews with Sabiha Gökçen, she was the daughter of Mustafa İzzet Bey and Hayriye Hanım who was an ethnic Bosniak.[3][4] The journalist Hrant Dink published an article titled "The secret of Sabiha Hatun" in which a former Gaziantep resident, Hripsime Sebilciyan, claimed to be Gökçen's niece, implying Armenian ancestry.[ Official Turkish sources, and the only living adopted daughter of Atatürk, Ülkü Adatepe, have contested this claim.
During Atatürk's visit to Bursa in 1925, Sabiha, who was only 12 years old, asked for permission to talk with Atatürk and expressed her wish to study in a boarding school. After learning her story and about her miserable living conditions, Atatürk decided to adopt her and asked Sabiha's brother for permission to take her to the Çankaya Presidential Residence in Ankara, where Sabiha would live among Atatürk's other adoptive daughters, Zehra, Afet and Rukiye.Sabiha attended the Çankaya Primary School in Ankara and the Üsküdar Girls' College in Istanbul.

Just after the introduction of the surname act, Atatürk gave her the family name Gökçen on December 19, 1934. Gök means sky in Turkish and Gökçen means 'belonging or relating to the sky'. However, she was not an aviator at the date, and it was only six months later that Sabiha developed a passion for flying.

[edit] CareerAtatürk attached great importance to aviation and for that purpose, oversaw the foundation of the Turkish Aeronautical Association in 1925. He took Sabiha along with him to the opening ceremony of Türkkuşu (Turkishbird) Flight School on May 5, 1935. During the airshow of gliders and parachutists invited from foreign countries, she got very excited. As Atatürk asked her whether she would also want to become a skydiver, she nodded "yes indeed, I am ready right now". Atatürk instructed Fuat Bulca, the head of the school, to enroll her as the first female trainee. She should have become a skydiver, however she was much more interested in flying, so she received her pilot's licence. Gökçen was sent to Russia, together with seven male students, for an advanced course in glider and powered aircraft piloting. However, when she was in Moscow, she learned the news that Zehra had died, and with a collapsed morale, she immediately returned back to Turkey, isolating herself from social activities for some time.

In the beginning of 1936, Atatürk urged her to attend the Air Force Academy to become the first female military pilot of Turkey. She improved her skills by flying bomber and fighter planes at the 1st Aircraft Regiment in Eskişehir Airbase and got experience after participating in the Aegean and Thrace exercises in 1937. In that same year, she took part in the military operation against the Dersim rebellion and became the world's first female air force combat pilot. She was also awarded the Turkish Aeronautical Association's first "Jeweled Medal" due to her superior performance in this operation.

In 1938, she carried out a five-day flight around the Balkan countries to great acclaim. Later, she was appointed chief trainer of the Türkkuşu Flight School of Turkish Aeronautical Association, where she served until 1955 and became a member of the association's executive board. She trained four female aviators, Edibe Subaşı, Yıldız Uçman, Sahavet Karapas and Nezihe Viranyalı. Sabiha Gökçen flew around the world for a period of 28 years until 1964. Her book entitled "A Life Along the Path of Atatürk" was published in 1981 by the Turkish Aeronautical Association to commemorate Atatürk's 100th birthday.

Throughout her career in the Turkish Air Force, Gökçen flew 22 different types of aircraft for more than 8000 hours, 32 hours of which were active combat and bombardment missions.


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Сабиха Гьокчен (на турски Sabiha Gökçen) е първата жена, която пилотира самолет и същевременно с това е и първата жена, която работи във военната авиация.Sabiha Gokcen biography, Hargrave Pioneers of Aviation</ref> Тя е едно от осиновените деца на "бащата на съвременната турска държава" - Кемал Ататюрк. През 1925 г, при едно от посещенията си в Бурса, Ататюрк се запознава с малката дванадесетгодишна Сабиха. По-късно той я осиновява и тя заминава да живее в столицата Анкара. Сабиха Гьокчен завършва началното си образование в Анкара, после продължава обучението си в известния девически колеж Ускюдар, разположен в едноименния квартал на космополитния мегалополис Истанбул. През 1934 г. Ататюрк успява да въведе в турското законодателство задължителното ползване на фамилни имена. Тогава Сабиха получава фамилията Гьокчен - от турската дума "гьок" - небе.

По-късно Ататюрк основава авиационното училище Тюрккушу (в буквален превед: турска птица), в което младата Сабиха се записва с голям ентусиазъм. В авиошколата Сабиха се справя отлично с овладяването на пилотските умения и по-късно е изпратена да се усъвършенства в СССР. Тя се превръща в абсолютната изненада на турската авиация като жената, която безпроблемно пилотира и най-модерните военни самолети в турската авиобаза Ескишехир. От 1938 до 1955 г. Сабиха Гьокчен е главен обучаващ в елитното авиоучилище Тюрккушу. В професионалната си кариера Сабиха Гьокчен има над 8000 летателни часа и е пилотирала 22 различни по модификация самолети. През 1996 г. Военновъздушната Академия на САЩ я отличава като единствената жена сред двадесетте най-знаменити летци в историята на военната авиация. Eдно от международните летища в Истанбул носи нейното име

Süreyya Ağaoğlu (1903, Shusha – 29 December 1989, Istanbul) was a Turkish writer, jurist, and the first female lawyer in Turkish history.

Safiye Ali (1891-1952) was the first Turkish woman to become a medical doctor. She treated the soldiers in the Turkish War of Independence, the Balkan Wars, and in World War I. She studied medicine in Germany in 1916, and opened her office in Istanbul in 1922.

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Адна помакиня ут скече. Та казва са " Емине Буруджу "