Author Topic: Vodina_Karacaova (Karacaabad) Bölgesinde Müslümanlaşma  (Read 8311 times)

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Offline Karacaovalı Pomak

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_____Voden and Moglena ( Almopia-Karatzova-Karadjova)  Islamicisation_____

The historian T. Simovski, Izlamizacijata vo Tikveshko i Meglensko [Islamicisation in the Tikvesh and Meglen regions], Skopje, 1984, p. 104. The widely recorded story of Islamicisation in Meglen suggests that Ottoman troops surrounded the church building on Easter Sunday after the Christians had gathered for the service, whereupon bishop Ilarion first accepted Islam and encouraged the church adherents to follow his path (ibid, pp. 103–104). The late nineteenth and early twentieth century ethnographer and historian, I. Ivanich, adds another perspective to the mass Islamicisation in the Meglen region. Ivanich claimed that the Ottoman army surrounded the church on Easter Sunday at the instigation of the Patriarchate church. As Islamicisation in Meglen occurred in the late eighteenth century, after the abolishment of the Ohrid Archbishopric, the Patriarchate church had yet to practically incorporate the ‘rebellious’ Meglen region into its jurisdiction.Ivanich  suggests than rather than going over to the Patriarchate, Bishop Ilarion converted to Islam, together with his people (‘Ilarion se reshi, da se poturchi zaedno so svojim narodom’) and that he did this as ‘a protest against the abolishment of the Ohrid church and firmly represents the intense dislike Macedonians have for Greeks and the Greek Patriarchate’ ('on ostaje ipak najrechitiji protest protiv ukidanja Oridski crkve I najjachi dokaz koliko cy Makedonci mrzeli Grke I Grchky Patriarshijy'). I. Ivanich, Makedonija i Makedonci [Macedonia and Macedonians], Vol II, Novi Sad, 1908, pp. 378–380. The Meglen region has been renamed as the Aridea region by the Greek government following its occupation of southern Macedonia.

Metne göre biri Makedonyalı biri Bulgaristanlı tarihçiler T.Smovski ve I.Ivanich göre Karacaova bölgesi 18. yy ortalarında (1759 yılında) silah zoruyla müslümanlaşmıştır.Metni Türkçe'ye çevirecek olan üyelerimize şimdiden teşşekürler.Bu konu hakkında bildiklerinizi yazmanızı elinizdeki bilgi ve belgeleri paylaşmanızı bekliyoruz.Saygılar...


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Re: Vodina_Karacaova (Karacaabad) Bölgesinde Müslümanlaşma
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2010, 22:50 »