Български > Религия и мистика

Честит празник Рамазан Байрям!- Chestit praznik Ramazan Bairam!

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Nedim Mehmedoski:



Ramazan Bayramınız mübarek olsun...
Allah Pomaklara güzel bir gelecek versin...
Chestit Ramadan Bairam na vsichki musulmani i Pomatsi...

                                                                                                           През 2015-а Рамазан байрам !
Започва свещения месец Рамазан - време на благодат и спасение за вярващите!

    When is Ramadan in 2015?
Ramadan in 2015 will start on Thursday, the18th of June 2015g,and will continue for 30 days until Friday, the17th of July.

Note that in the Muslim calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Muslims will celebrate Ramadan on the sunset of Wednesday, the17th of June.

Although Ramadan is always on the same day of the Islamic calendar, the date on the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year, since the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar and the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar. This difference means Ramadan moves in the Gregorian calendar approximately 11 days every year. The date of Ramadan may also vary from country to country depending on whether the moon has been sighted or not.  The dates provided here are based on the dates adopted by the Fiqh Council of North America for the celebration of Ramadan. Note that these dates are based on astronomical calculations to affirm each date, and not on the actual sighting of the moon with the naked eyes. This approach is accepted by many, but is still being hotly debated.     


  10-12 юли 2015. Вечерята ифтар в град Казанлък и в село Александрово!                                        /colo

r]Balkanlarda Ramazan 10 -12 Temmuz 2015- Kazanlık   http://linetv.com.tr/balkanlarda-ramazan-10-12-temmuz-2015-kazanlik/    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEroEaHthac


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