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Offline Marlboro

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« Reply #2880 on: October 18, 2013, 05:43 »

Thirty million people are slaves
30 million people are living in slavery across the globe...

Nearly 30 million people are living in slavery across the globe, many of them men, women and children trafficked by gangs for sex work and unskilled labour, according to a global slavery index released on Thursday.
The index by anti-slavery charity Walk Free Foundation ranked 162 countries on the number living in slavery, the risk of enslavement, and the strength of government responses to combating the illegal activity.
It found that 10 countries accounted for 76 percent of the 29.8 million people living in slavery - India, China, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, Thailand, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar and Bangladesh.

In China there was forced labour of men, women and children, including domestic servitude and forced begging, sexual exploitation of women and children and forced marriage.
Coming last in the index were Iceland, Ireland and Britain although Bales stressed they were not slavery-free.
Up to 4,400 people are estimated to be enslaved in Britain, the victims mainly from Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. They are forced into sex work, domestic servitude, or low-paid jobs in agriculture, construction, restaurants and nail salons.
"Hopefully this report will be a wake-up call for rich countries as well," Bales told Reuters.

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« Reply #2881 on: October 18, 2013, 08:17 »
Честит Курбан Байрям.

Offline Marlboro

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« Reply #2882 on: October 26, 2013, 05:43 »
PM Erdogan: Turkey is Kosovo and Kosovo is Turkey

We will turn this region into a garden of beautiful roses. By heart we supported the independence of Kosovo, and our support to Kosovo will continue, said Turkish PM addressing Kosovo citizens in Prizren.

World Bulletin / News Desk   

Turkish PM Recep Tayyin Erdogan is in his formal visit to Kosovo on Wednesday.
Addressing Kosovo citizens at the main square of Prizren town, Erdogan said that Turkey is Kosovo and Kosovo is Turkey.
"Turkey is Kosovo and Kosovo is Turkey. We are that much close that Kosovo citizen from Pec wrote the text of our national anthem," said Erdogan.
He added that Kosovo and Turkish people have same history and civilization and that it should not be forgotten.
“Languages can be different. Religion, sect, faces can be different, but we are all children of same country,” said Turkish PM.
“My family, I and ministers of my delegation feel like at home. Today I greet all Albanians, Bosnians, Turks and Gorans,” he said.
Erdogan stressed the importance of building a mutual future.
“We will build our future together, same as our grandfathers, our ancestors did. We lived here as brothers for centuries and we will continue so,” said Erdogan.
He pointed out that Turkey will not have any understanding for any bloodshed in the Balkan in future.
“We want domination of peace and stability in this region.”
“Past is in the past”, said Erdogan, “we will not look into the past. We will look into our common future.”
“Those who want the stability will work jointly in creating a better future, as here in this place where we are now, so in Bosnia, Macedonia and entire region.”
Referring to the situation in Syria, he said: “Look, 110,000 lives were taken. Why? Who profited? Imperialists. Who lost? Human.”
Erdogan said that he wants to see Balkans in peace and added that Turkey in that sense has historical experience, as well as political determination.
“We will not point out the differences but communion. We will turn this region into a garden of beautiful roses. By heart we supported the independence of Kosovo, and our support to Kosovo will continue. We will be strong and united as brothers.”
Erdogan said that all Turkey greets citizens of Kosovo. He reminded on recent speech of Albanian PM Edi Rama who said that in Turkey he saw all religious monuments in one place.
“Our cities have always been symbols of communion. Prizren can serve as an example of it,” said Erdogan.
At Wednesday’s public meeting in Prizren, Kosovo citizens were also addressed by Kosovo PM Hashim Thaci, Albanian PM Edi Rama, as well as President of Turkish Democratic Party of Kosovo Mahir Yagcilar.

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« Reply #2883 on: October 30, 2013, 07:59 »
Proizvejdat se veche avtomobili raboteshti s Bor v Tyrciq, kato 1 kg Bor stryva 200 turski liri s koeto shte se izmine 19 000 km s tejina na kolata 1100 kg s maksimalna skorost 100 km/chas.  Tova oznachava krai na petrola... 

Tyrciq pritejava 73% rezervi na Bor v sveta, taka i 75% ot vsichki svetovni mineralni syrovini.

Borla çalışan araba üretildi, maliyeti 200 tl olan 1 kg bor ile 19 000 km yol yapabiliyor.(1100kg. oto sabit 100 km süratle giderse) Bu demek oluyorki Petrole son. Tam tersine Batılı ülkeler bor işletmeciliğinin kansere yol açtığını idda ederek BOR madenininden soğutma çabası içindeler. Oysa bu mucize maden kanser tedavisinde de kullanılmaktadır. Türkiye kiskacta.
Arabayi bor madeniyle calistiracak patentli 600 proje oldugu ortaya cikti.
TÜRKİYE, dünyada bor rezervinin yüzde 73`üne sahip.

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« Reply #2885 on: November 01, 2013, 04:51 »

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« Reply #2886 on: November 01, 2013, 04:55 »

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« Reply #2887 on: November 01, 2013, 04:56 »

Помагалото по христянство за 1 клас вече и в Благоевград и Кюстендил

Пред директори и учители в начален етап на обучение в Кюстендил и Благоевград беше представено учебното помагало за интегриране на знанията за християнството, предвидено в учебната програма за 1 клас, съобщи

Събитието в Кюстендил беше организирано с любезното съдействие на кмета на града г-н Петър Паунов и отдел "Култура" към общината. Заместник-кметът по хуманитарните дейности г-н Виктор Янев представи част от авторите на помагалото на директорите и началните учители в знаковото за Кюстендил Килийно училище в двора на храма "Успение Богородично". Янев наблегна, че общината е горда да си сътрудничи с Православната църква и винаги ще има готовност да подкрепи начинания, свързани с повишаване на християнската просвета на децата в своя град.
Със самата организация на срещата се бе заела г-жа Любляна Начева

от отдел "Култура". Тя каза, че се радва да съдейства на усилието педагозите да получат пособие, което да подпомогне работата им, а учениците да бъдат запознати с автентичното знание за християнството.

Проф. Иван Желев, научен консултант на помагалото, запозна събралите се с работата на авторския колектив в областта на християнската просвета. Самото учебно пособие беше представено от д-р Полина Спирова и Златина Каравълчева. Учителите отбелязаха, че са имали потребност тъкмо от подобно помагало, което да подпомогне тяхната работа при запознаването на малките ученици с произхода и същността на християнските празници и обичаи.

В Благоевград срещата с началните педагози се проведе в Младежкия дом и беше организирана с благословията на Неврокопския митрополит Натанаил от Православния информационен център на Неврокопска епархия. В Благоевград митрополията е установила много добри отношения на сътрудничество с Регионалния инспекторат по образованието и Общината, което проличава от множеството съвместни инициативи, насочени към повишаване на православната култура на учениците в града. Освен начални учители от всички училища в града, присъстваха и представители на по-малки градове в общината, както и учители по религия.

Offline Marlboro

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« Reply #2888 on: November 01, 2013, 05:21 »

Offline ibrahim65

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« Reply #2889 on: November 04, 2013, 13:30 »

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« Reply #2890 on: November 08, 2013, 17:02 »

Avrupali'larin Atalari Turk'tur   =   Predscite na Evropecite sa Turci

İskoçyalı bilgin James Ferguson, 1872'de yayımlanan kitabında ( ) (Sayfa 30-31, 507, 508 ) bu nitelemeleri yaparken kendi damarlarında Asyalı (Turanlı) İskit kanı dolaştığı inancındaydı; çünkü yüzyıllarca önce, İskoçyalılar, Papa'ya gönderdikleri 6 Nisan 1320 günlü dilekçelerinde Asyalı İskitlerin soyundan geldiklerini, İskoç (Scoth) sözcüğünün "İskit"in (Scyth) özgün biçiminden başka bir şey olmadığını, resmen bildirerek Kilise kayıtlarına geçirtmişlerdi. ( ) Sn. Cengiz Özakıncı'nın "Tarih Tezleri Çarpışıyor, Avrupa'lıların Ataları Türk'tür" Makalesinden 

The Declaration of Arbroath
One of the Treasures of the National Archives of Scotland, the Declaration of Arbroath was written to the pope in 1320, on behalf of the barons and community of the realm of Scotland. This eloquent letter, written in support of King Robert Bruce (Robert I) and an independent Scotland, is still regarded as a spirited statement of a nation's claim to freedom.

National Archives of Scotland – Declaration of Arbroath (April 2009)

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« Reply #2891 on: November 10, 2013, 00:06 »

Offline Marlboro

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« Reply #2892 on: November 10, 2013, 04:44 »

Offline ibrahim65

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« Reply #2893 on: November 10, 2013, 10:33 »
Seni çoook seviyorum
Ruhun şad olsun, izindeyiz ATAM!

Аллах рахметелеси.
Мустафа Кемал Ататюрк завинаги ще си остане моят идол.
Прекланям се пред него и пред неговият живот, който е за пример на милиони.

Offline Marlboro

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« Reply #2894 on: November 10, 2013, 14:20 »

Multiculturalism: Ottoman experience
The Ottoman style multiculturalist idea was based on religion rather than culture. Thence, it is maybe more appropriate to call it as ‘multireligious’ idea...

Hafsa Orhan Astrom / World Bulletin
Our previous article ended with a sentence mentioning briefly the difference between Ottoman style versus Swedish multiculturalism. To compare the multiculturalist idea in Ottoman period and in modern day Sweden is an ambitious task which necessitates a detailed investigation. Hence, in this essay, the focus will be on the Ottomans meanwhile the Swedish case is planned to be the main focus of the next article.
Multiculturalism is a few decade-old term and there is no widely accepted definition since it does not stay static through time (there is already a term called ‘new’ or ‘post-’ multiculturalism) and it has different reflections on different dimensions such as politics  and philosophy. Despite the difficulties in defining the term, I find Castles’ explanation very simple yet well-directed. According to him, multiculturalism means “abandoning the myth of homogenous and monocultural nation-states.” As a matter of fact, non-homogeneity of the current nation-states, no matter the level of it, is difficult to deny. The explanation underlines another important point where the relationship between monoculturalism and the existence of nation-states is indicated. This is important because the basic idea behind the establishment of nation-states was to separate concretely one nation (embodied from within one culture) from another one.
At this point, it can be asked whether it is appropriate to evaluate a pre-nation empire with a modern concept. I can answer that question by arguing that it is not the term itself with all modern meanings attached to it but different reflections of the idea of multiculturalism in time and space which we are interested in.
Reflections of multiculturalist idea in Ottomans
As it can be noticed easily, the term multiculturalism has two parts, the prefix multi- and culture. While the notion of religion is one of the elements inherent in the description of culture, the Ottoman style multiculturalist idea was based on religion rather than culture. Thence, it is maybe more appropriate to call it as ‘multireligious’ idea. The famous system, upon which such a multireligious idea is built, was millet/the religious community. However, as indicated by Şener Aktürk, such a system did not mean the existence of limitless multi judiciary and equality among religious groups but a relatively wide autonomy for People of the Book (ahl al-Kitab) under the umbrella of Islamic jurisprudence. This is also the reason why Şükrü Hanioğlu underlines the fact that Ottoman style multiculturalism was hierarchical, hegemonic and the main focus was on the concept of justice, whereas, the modern multiculturalism has its main focus on the concept of equality.
Having said that, this justice based hierarchical multiculturalism was one of a kind in its time. As a proof, Aktürk compares the amount of people with different religious identities in different places such as England, France, Spain, Italy, and Ottomans. He finds that as of 1500, the population of England, Spain and France was hundred percent Catholic meanwhile the number was in between 98-99% in Italy. Of course such a picture is not a coincidence. The main reason behind the picture was harsh policies against the existence of foreigners whose identity was mostly defined by religion. On the other hand, the picture was quite different in Ottomans. At around the same period, the Christian population was even more than the Muslim one.
End of the experience and current reflections
Above example about population comparison can give a general idea regarding to the acceptance of different people. However, the reason for the differences in acceptance levels necessitates detailed investigation since I think it depends on more than a single factor.
To define the subjecthood with religious identity continued in Ottomans until the Nationality Law of 1869. Today, the main identity constituent is nationality all around the world. And, the concept which identifies the existence and acceptance of different people in nation states is multiculturalism. Nevertheless, I think that the questions regarding to the parameters of identity construction, how to organize the relations among people with different identities in today’s conditions should be discussed in detail, especially by Muslim people.
In this context, I find the attempts of Tariq Ramadan very stimulating. In the book called Western Muslims and the Future of Islam, he suggests the term alam al-shahada/world of testimony instead of dar al-Islam and dar al-harb (both of these concepts were in use in Ottomans). Furthermore, he asserts that “Muslim identity is a response to the question: ‘Why?’, while national identity is a response to the question: ‘How,’ and it would be absurd and stupid to expect geographical attachment to resolve the question of being.”