Български > Помаци

Какви се чувстват помаците в душите си?

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А тази продължава да печели на чуз гръп

Изложба показва нашите в Гърция


Тази жена каза доста истини за ДПС и то в негативен аспект как манипулират хората.Китаеца накрая също каза доста велни неща за конфликта между поколенията и отношението към християните.

sus sigurnost tazi jena ne e tupa ot abAlgarite ,te i decata znaqt ,4e DPC liderite sa DC klon na KGB koito otstraniha realnite organizatori na DPC.

kitaeca ne znae osnovnite problemi v Bulgar-Tuna zatova plqmpa gluposti s pulna  pilqf ysta.

В западните са Едони, тук са Беси!
sus  sigurnost  Edonite ne ne  bili abAlrari.

The capital of the Bessi was Uscudama now Edirne in modern Turkey.

The capital of the Bessi was Uscudama now Edirne in modern Turkey[6].
One of the many locations of the Bessi

The Diobesi are thought to be a union of sorts between the Besai and the Dii.[7] Pliny the Elder reveals that there were several divisions of the Bessi.[8]

Appian writes that they fearfully surrendered to Augustus.[9]

Towards the end of the 4th century, Nicetas the Bishop of Dacia brought the gospel to "those mountain wolves", the Bessi. Reportedly his mission was successful, and the worship of Dionysus and other Thracian gods was eventually replaced by Christianity.

A Thracian personal name Bessus (attested in Northern Montenegro along with other Thracian names such as Teres) is considered to have the same etymon as Bessi (Wilkes, 1982).

In the 11th century Strategikon text, Cecaumenos the Byzantine historian described the Vlachs south of the Danube (Aromanians) as being descendants of ancient Thracian tribes one of them being the Bessi.

kakvi tupi su6testva trqbva da sa abAlgaite koito ne  priemat turkite na Esperih za  tehni osvoboditeli ot Vizantijsko robstvo i sled tova da  otkradnat etnosa  na  osvoboditelte si.

Какви са тия аБалгани?


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