Slaven, I do not know whether you are familiar with Pomak speech in Bulgaria, but I feel like you know it only by Google.
If you walk through Yakoruda, then through Chech and later in Central Rhodopes, will establish the following, in all places speak different dialekt.Pomaks in Yakoruda speaks as Christians in Yakoruda, Muslims in Chech speaks equally with Christians in Chech.In Central Rhodopes pomaks and Christians also speaks equally.But between pomaks speech in Yakoruda,pomaks speech in Chech and pomak speech in the Central Rhodopesqor, or,if you prefer,pomak speech in Theteven Municipality-there are many diferences.And I ask the task-which one is "Pomak language and who is not is it?Or maybe it's time to think about different dialects of Pomak language?