English > Discussions

Pomak language ?

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--- Quote from: Dobrev on September 27, 2010, 16:22 ---Then we have 10 000 languages in Bulgaria as every village speaks differently
--- End quote ---

Very well, if you want to make your own villiage's language, you should start publishing books, making websites, etc. And, if enough people are in your language group, I will include you in the list of Slavic lanuages. But I don't see you do it. But I do see Pomaks do it, so, yes, Pomaks have their own language.

In any case there exist several academical researches about pomak language. Dobrev, I guess you oversimplify the pomak language and differences between tongues and languages.
For example :
Supposing that i'm a croatian man and also i can clearly understand all bulgarian dialects by this way do i need to abandon my race and my native language ?

Be realistic ;)

Today I had an angry Buglarian threaten me because I added Pomaski to the language list. Very sad.


--- Quote from: Slaven on September 27, 2010, 18:41 ---Today I had an angry Buglarian threaten me because I added Pomaski to the language list. Very sad.

--- End quote ---
"Slaven", be glad and happy that you found and added to your vocabulary yet another linguistic richness and diversity !  ::)  8)  ;)

Do not hesitate Slaven, soon we will begin to broadcast with our native language. Definitely, it's in the pipeline ;)


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