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Pomak language ?

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--- Quote from: Глиган on May 23, 2010, 20:34 ---Изперкалите фанатици пак почнаха.. muslim = turk  тъй, тъй, другарю комунист

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Последно предупреждение за Глиган !!!


--- Quote from: Toska on May 23, 2010, 17:08 ---Would it be possible to define writer's observation as an evidence of pomak language?
This citation's from "TSVETKOVA, B. (1963) ‘French travellers from the 15th to the 18th century, on the Rodopi region and adjacent Aegean areas’, in: Rodopi Collection, Vol. 1"
Probably turkish definition of paul lucas used by instead of muslim population.
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Another evidence as straight nail stuck in the wooden box of Nazism to the authenticity and purty of modern language!   :o   ;D   ;)


--- Quote from: Глиган on May 23, 2010, 20:34 ---Изперкалите фанатици пак почнаха.. muslim = turk  тъй, тъй, другарю комунист

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Please look at this source for how to become muslim=turk: as a sample.
"Ethnic cleansing in the Balkans: nationalism and the destruction of tradition"   
Author: Cathie Carmichael
"nationalist ideas which developed in the ninenteenth century tended to exclude Muslims from the nation, because by adopting Islam they were perceived to have become de facto Ottomans (and were sometimes referred to indiscriminately as "Turks".  page: 23

We as Pomaks living in Turkey define our tongue as “Pomaski ezik” what we are speaking. None of our people use the definition of Bulgarian. Because we are Pomak People in Turkey and the name of our language is Pomaski=Pomakça.

Secondly our member Recep Memiş said that his mother is calling “Aarensky or Ahrensky”. Interestingly she never use and don’t accept the term of Pomaski. This definition means Ahrenski is the language of Ahrens.

Two different aspects of viewing.

Most of the bulgarian racists define macedonian as bulgarian (soon they 'll begin to qualify serbian as a subdialect of bulgarian  ;D ) but as we know there are so many differencies between them. With simple logic we can easily define rhodopean tongues as like as a language. If macedonian is an accepted language by linguistic scientists, pomak language would be accept as a language. M i right ?


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