Йорданова-наистина част от българите-едно особено течение на Автохтонистите смятат така-като потвърждение правят аналогия между носителите на Черняховската и др. култури и траките.По отношение на Черняховската култура до някъде има аналогия в този извод поради периодът на съществуване на носителите на тази култура в Понтийският басейн-археологическите доказателства за времето от нейното появяване до нейното изчезване.
От друга страна в общ контекст това е така-разселването на индоевропейците започва именно от Понтийският басейн. 
Tova koeto 4eta ot internet s ni6to ne pasva na izmislicite na Rasate.
"Trakite" ne sa edin narod ili edno pleme, bili sa asimilirani "helenizirani" razli4ni narodi v oblasta Trakiq ot Filip 2-ri s pridvijilite se sled razru6enieto na Troq pri zemetresenieto prez 12 vek pr.n.era nqkoi kato prigians,muezian,paeonians,bitinians, kolonizatorite-teoukrians ot Troq ... se zavru6tat v Anadola prez 8 vek p.n.e. i sledva6toto pridvijvane po Balkanite e pri nahluvaneto na Persijskata imperiq pri Darius prez 450p.n.e. a paeonians imat carstvo ot 350 p.n.e.
Narodite koito sa naslednici na Hatite / Hiti koito idvat ot Pontijskoto plato prez 1900-2000 p.n.era. sa tezi su6tite pri " helenizaciqta" im ot Filip 2-ri
Generalno e potvurdeno ,4e Hitite idvat v Anadola nqkade predi 2000 p.n.e. Tehnite nasledsva sa mnogo strogo osporvani tova ,4e tehniq dom bilo v Pontijskite stepi,dne6no v Ukrajna i okolo Azovsko more.Hitite i drugi 4lenove dojdoha ot sever vazmojno i okolo Kaspijsko more.Tqhnoto pridvijvane e opredelen kato velika emigraciq predi 1900 g.p.n.era.
Ezoro kultura( dne6no Varnensko) se omesva s lokalnite Hati v Anadola predi da dojdat Hitite ot Pontijskite stepi. Ezero kultura e naslednica na 4ernavoda kultura( Черняховската култура) koqto e Coţofeni culture of Romania
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezero_cultureEzero follows the copper age cultures of the area (Karanovo VI culture, Gumelniţa culture, Kodzadjemen culture and Varna culture), after a settlement hiatus in Northern Bulgaria. It bears some relationship to the earlier Cernavodă III culture to the north. Some settlements were fortified.
The Ezero culture is interpreted as part of a larger Balkan-Danubian early Bronze Age complex, a horizon reaching from Troy Id-IIc into Central Europe, encompassing the Baden of the Carpathian Basin and the Coţofeni culture of Romania. According to Parzinger, there are also typological connections to Poliochni IIa-b and Sitagroi IV.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_HittitesIt is generally assumed that the Hittites came into Anatolia some time before 2000 BC. While their earlier location is disputed, there has been strong evidence for more than a century that the home of the Indo-Europeans in the fourth and third millennia was in the Pontic Steppe, present day Ukraine around the Sea of Azov. The Hittites and other members of the Anatolian family then came from the north, possibly along the Caspian Sea. Their movement into the region set off a Near East mass migration sometime around 1900 BC.
Various theories have been proposed that postulate waves of migration during the Middle Bronze Age in the Ancient Near East. While the turmoils that separate the Late Bronze Age from the Early Iron Age are well documented (see Bronze Age collapse), theories of migration during the Middle Bronze Age (20th century BCE) have little direct support.
Some suggestions connect these alleged "mass migrations" with the coming of the Greeks, moving from their former settlements into south and central Balkans displacing the former non-Greek inhabitants of Greece.[1][2][2][3] Others make reference to a supposed migration of the Hittites to their earliest known home in Kültepe during the same period.
Kaneš, inhabited continuously from the Chalcolithic period down to Roman times,flourished most strongly as an important Hatic/Hittite/Hurrian city, which contained a large merchant quarter (kârum) of the Old Assyrian kingdom, from ca. 20th to 16th centuries BC. A late (c 1400 BC) witness to an old tradition includes a king of Kaneš called Zipani among seventeen local city-kings who rose up against the Akkadian Naram-Sin (ruled c.2254-2218 BC).[1] It is the site of discovery of the earliest traces of the Hittite language, and the earliest attestation of any Indo-European language, dated to the 20th century BC. The native term for the Hittite language was nešili "language of Neša"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1900BCE_Near_East_mass_migrationSome suggestions connect these alleged "mass migrations" with the coming of the Greeks, moving from their former settlements into south and central Balkans displacing the former non-Greek inhabitants of Greece.[1][2][2][3] Others make reference to a supposed migration of the Hittites to their earliest known home in Kültepe during the same period.[4]
Pro4etoh 10 pati tova koeto e pisal yvajavaniq ot men priqtel Stoqn Dinkov, ne razbirah za religioznite/ Biblejski tvardeniq ,no sega razbrah s pomo6ta my.
" Вижте древните епоси, легенди, та дори и...Библията. Предполагам "иранците" в България, поне на Библията ще повярват. Библейският Гомер е баща на Тогарма. В Битие 10, Тогарма е определен като баща на ТУРАНСКИТЕ народи. Гомер е син на Ной, тоест, Тогарма му се явява внук

. "Арианите" би трябвало да знаят, че Гомер е техния любим Кимер, прародителна кимерийците, с които се свързват хуните...Но пък сина му Тогарма е прародителят на...ТЮРКИТЕ. Е, дори една от "свещените" книги, с нищо не противоречи на това, което ви разказвах вече няколко дни. Нека сега преведем "библейските" текстове на "родословен" език: скитите са деди на тюрките, а между тях са хуните, синове на едните и бащи на другите

. Нали няма сега да седнем и да "правим" Аспаруховите българи непременно "гомеро-кимерийци", прескачайки с лека ръка, хей-тъй, Тогарма, бащата на туранските народи, тоест на тюрките?! В допълнение, разгледайте имената на десетте сина на Тограма, тоест на тюрките! Един от тях се казва БУЛГАР

. Защо БУЛГАР, ще прескача Тогарма, за да се свърже директно и единствено с дядо си Гомер (Кимер)?... Лека вечер и успех!"
4el sum tova predi ti da dojde6 tuk da ni osvetli6 no naistina ni6to ne razbirah.
Gledah edni karti po teritoriqta na dne6na Tyrciq i Bulgariq pi6e Jasphetic race ni6to ne razbirah

Sled kato pro4etoh postinga ti se zainteresuvah po silno,i razbrah za tvurdeniqta.
Nqma da copi- pestvam kato Rasate,neka si nameri

Noah's sons -Shem,Ham,Jaspet
Shem's sons---------Elam,Asshur,Appachshad,Lud,Aram------------------semitic race
Ham's sons---------Cush,Mizraim,Phut,Canaan ------------------hamitic race
Japheth's sons------Gomer,Magog,Madai,Javan,Tubal, Mashech,Tiras---Japhetic race
Gomer's sons------Ashkenaz,Riphath,Togarmah
Togarmah's sons -- 1 Ujur-Uyghur
2 Tauris-Tauri
3 Avar-Avar
4 Uauz/Ugin-Oghuz
5 Bizal/Bizel- Pecheneg
6 Tarki/Turqi- Kokturks
7 Khazar/Khazar
8 Janur/Zagur
9 Bulgar/Ba/gor -Bulgar
10 Sawir/Szawir/Szabir- Sabir
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TogarmahAccording to other records, Togarmah is regarded as the ancestor of the Turkic peoples. For example, The French Benedictine monk and scholar Calmet (1672–1757) places Togarmah in Scythia and Turcomania (in the Eurasian Steppes and Central Asia).[4] Also in his letters, King Joseph ben Aaron, the ruler of the Khazars, writes:
"You ask us also in your epistle: "Of what people, of what family, and of what tribe are you?" Know that we are descended from Japhet, through his son Togarmah. I have found in the genealogical books of my ancestors that Togarmah had ten sons. These are their names: