Author Topic: HMMF!  (Read 35552 times)

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« Reply #30 on: September 27, 2009, 22:40 »

Offline abc

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« Reply #31 on: October 02, 2009, 10:50 »

Offline PNK2003

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« Reply #32 on: October 02, 2009, 19:03 »

Offline abc

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« Reply #33 on: October 05, 2009, 09:58 »

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
and nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us, something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they say
never cared for games they play
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
and I know

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No, nothing else matters

Offline abc

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Beautiful People (live)
« Reply #34 on: October 08, 2009, 16:26 »

And I don't want you and I don't need you
Don't bother to resist, or I'll beat you
It's not your fault that you're always wrong
The weak ones are there to justify the strong

The beautiful people, the beautiful people
It's all relative to the size of your steeple
You can't see the forest for the trees
You can't smell your own shit on your knees

There's no time to discriminate,
Hate every motherfucker
That's in your way

Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful, something free?
Hey you, are you trying to be mean?
If you live with apes man, it's hard to be clean

The worms will live in every host
It's hard to pick which one they eat most

The horrible people, the horrible people
It's as anatomic as the size of your steeple
Capitalism has made it this way,
Old-fashioned fascism will take it away


There's no time to discriminate,
Hate every motherfucker
That's in your way

The beautiful people
The beautiful people (aahh) [x4]

[Chorus x2]

The beautiful people [x8]

Offline abc

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« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2009, 15:14 »
Rammstein Mein teil : )

Suche gut gebauten Achtzehn- bis Dreißigjährigen zum
Der Metzgermeister

Heute treff ich einen Herrn
Der hat mich zum Fressen gern
Weiche Teile und auch harte
stehen auf der Speisekarte

Dann du bist
was du isst
und ihr wisst
was es ist

Es ist mein teil - nein
Mein Teil - nein
Dann das ist mein teil - nein
Mein Teil - nein

Die stumpfe Klinge - gut und recht
Ich blute stark und mir ist schlecht
Muss ich auch mit der Ohnmacht kämpfen
ich esse weiter unter Krämpfen

Ist doch so gut gewürzt
und so schön flambiert
und so liebevoll auf Porzellan serviert
Dazu ein guter Wein und zarter
Ja da lass ich mir Zeit
Etwas Kultur muss sein

Dann du bist
was du isst
und ihr wisst
was es ist

Es ist mein teil - nein
Mein Teil - nein
Dann das ist mein teil - nein
Yes it's mein teil - nein

Ein Schrei wird zum himmel fahren
schneidet sich durch engelscharen
Vom Wolkendach fällt Federfleisch
auf meine kindheit mit gekreish

Es ist mein teil - nein
Mein Teil - nein
Dann Das ist mein teil - nein
Mein Teil - nein

[English version]

Looking for a well-built eighteen to thirty-year-old
to be slaughtered
The Master Butcher

Today i will meet a gentleman
He likes me so much he could eat me up
soft things and even hard ones
are on the menu

Because you are
what you eat
and you know
what it is

It is my part - no
My part - no
Because that's my part - no
My part - no

The dull blade - good and proper
I'm bleeding heavily and feeling sick
Although I have to fight to stay awake
I keep eating while in convulsions
It's just so well seasoned
and so nicely flambéed
and so lovingly served on porcelain
and with it, a good wine and gentle candlelight
Yeat, I'll take my time
You've got to have some culture

Because you are
what you eat
and you know
what it is

It is my part - no
My part - no
Because that's my part - no
Yes it's my part - no

A cry will ascend to heaven
It will cut through hosts of angels
Feather-flesh will shriekingly fall
from the top of the clouds into my childhood

It is my part - no
My part - no
Because that's my part - no
My part - no

Offline abc

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« Reply #36 on: October 19, 2009, 15:10 »

Дъждът вали, вали като преди, пълзи и тънко дращи по стъклата,
а аз и този път оставам прав във тъмнината.
Като светулка плахо премижа една цигара някъде далече
и аз дочувам шепот на жена, която тръгва, тръгва вече.

Дали пътува и сега онази малка книжна лодка,
която сгънах на шега над някаква дъждовна локва,
а после пратих я към теб с молба при мен да се завърнеш -
дори в това море от много дъжд ти да побързаш, да побързаш.

Сега вали, вали дъждът по прозореца,
от вестник стар изрязвам стих с много, много болка
и препрочитам на глас как търси бряг
в море от хора и дъжд книжна лодка.

Дъждът и този път вали, вали, пълзи и дращи по стъклата,
а аз запалвам клечка от кибрит във тъмнината.
И само тази малка светлина, изгаряща до болка във ръката
дано покаже пътя към дома на лодката и на жената.

Дали пътува и сега онази малка книжна лодка,
която сгънах на шега над някаква дъждовна локва,
а после пратих я към теб с молба при мен да се завърнеш -
дори в това море от много дъжд ти да побързаш, да побързаш.

Сега вали, вали дъждът по прозореца,
от вестник стар изрязвам стих с много, много болка
и препрочитам на глас как търси бряг
в море от хора и дъжд книжна лодка.

Offline isa71

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« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2009, 16:18 »

Offline abc

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« Reply #38 on: November 04, 2009, 12:20 »

When I first saw you baby
You took my breath away,
I knew your name was Trouble
But, my heart got in the way
I couldn't stop myself from reaching out,
I could not turn away

I don't even know your name
An' I can't leave you alone,
I'm running round in circles
Like a dog without a bone
I know the game you're playing

But, baby I just can't let go

So give me all your love tonight,
Give me all your love tonight
I'll do anything you want
Just give me all of your loving tonight

I'll work hard everyday
To love and treat you right.
I'll rock you in the morning
And roll you in the night.
Any way you want
I'm gonna prove my love for you.

So give me all your love tonight,
Give me all your love tonight
I'll do anything you want,
Just give me all of your loving tonight, tonight, tonight...

So give me all your love tonight,
Give me all your love tonight
I'll do anything you want,
Just give me all of your loving tonight

So give me all your love tonight,
Give me all your love tonight
I'll do anything you want,
Just give me all of your loving tonight

I am blinded by your smile
And I'm crazy about your walk
I shiver and I shake
When I hear you baby talk
I'm a fool for your loving babe,
Give me all your loving tonight...

So give me all your love tonight,
Give me all your love tonight
I'll do anything you want,
Just give me all of your loving tonight

Anything you want from me...

So give me all your love tonight,
Give me all your love tonight
I'll do anything you want,
Just give me all of your loving tonight, tonight, tonight...

Offline isa71

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« Reply #39 on: November 04, 2009, 13:53 »

Offline isa71

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« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2009, 14:03 »

Offline abc

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Metallica Cover Deep Purple
« Reply #41 on: November 26, 2009, 14:31 »

Offline isa71

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Ynt: HMMF!
« Reply #43 on: January 26, 2010, 10:01 »
"Скорпиънс" обявиха края на кариерата си

Членовете на легендарната рок група "Скорпиънс" обявиха на официалния си сайт, че слагат край на музикалната си кариера след близо 40 години на сцената. Клаус Майне, Матиас Ябс, Рудолф Шенкер, Джеймс Котак и Павел Мацивода благодарят на своите почитатели по цял свят и посочват, че искат да сложат точка, докато са на върха.

Хардрок групата "Скорпиънс" е основана през 1965 г. в Хамбург (Германия) от Рудолф Шенкер, но славният й път започва през 1969 г., когато като вокал е привлечен Клаус Майне. Първият си албум групата издава през 1972 г.

Сред най-популярните песни на германската рок група са Rock You Like a Hurricane (1984), No One Like You (1982), Send Me an Angel (1990) и Wind of Change (1990).

Scorpions - Rock you Like a Hurricane LIVE 2000

Scorpions - Send Me An Angel

Offline abc

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Ynt: HMMF!
« Reply #44 on: February 01, 2010, 15:26 »

Ah, dirrty (dirrty)
Filthy (filthy)
Nasty (Christina), you nasty (yeah)
Too dirrty to clean my act up
If you ain't dirrty
You ain't here to party (woo!)

Ladies (move)
Gentlemen (move)
Somebody ring the alarm
A fire on the roof
Ring the alarm (and I'm throwin' elbows) [7x]

Oh, I'm overdue
Give me some room
I'm comin through
Paid my dues
In the mood
Me and the girls gonna shake the room

DJ's spinning (show your hands)
Let's get dirrty (that's my jam)
I need that, uh, to get me off
Sweat until my clothes come off

It's explosive, speakers are pumping (oh)
Still jumping, six in the morning
Table dancing, glasses are mashing (oh)
No question, time for some action

Temperature's up (can you feel it)
About to erupt
Gonna get my girls
Get your boys
Gonna make some noise

Wanna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirrty
It's about time that I came to start the party
Sweat dripping over my body
Dancing getting just a little naughty
Wanna get dirrty
It's about time for my arrival

Ah, heat is up
So ladies, fellas
Drop your cups
Body's hot
Front to back
Now move your ass
I like that

Tight hip huggers (low for sure)
Shake a little somethin' (on the floor)
I need that, uh, to get me off
Sweat until my clothes come off

Let's get open, cause a commotion (ooh oh)
We're still going, eight in the morning
There's no stopping, we keep it popping (oh)
Hot rocking, everyone's talking

Give all you got (give it to me)
Just hit the spot
Gonna get my girls
Get your boys
Gonna make some noise

Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirrty
It's about time that I came to start the party
Ooh sweat dripping over my body
Dancing getting just a little naughty
Wanna get dirrty (oh, oh)
It's about time for my arrival

Here it comes, it's the one
You've been waiting on
Get up, get it up
Yup, that's what's up
Giving just what you want
To the maximum
Uh oh, here we go (here we go)

You can tell when the music
Starts to drop
That's when we take it
To the parking lot
And I bet you somebody's
Gonna call the cops
Uh oh's, here we go's (here we go)

Ohh ooh ohh, yeah yeah...

Yo, hot damn, Doc a jam like a summer show
I keep my car looking like a crash dummy drove
My gear look like the bank got my money froze
For dead presidents I pimp like Huddy roll
Doc the one that excite ya divas (ow!)
If the media shine
I'm shining with both of the sleeves up
Yo Christina, better hop in here
My block live and in color, like Rodman hair (yeah)
The club is packed, the bar is filled
I'm waiting for sister to act, like Lauryn Hill
Frankly, it's a rap, no bargain deals
I drive a four wheel ride with foreign wheels
Throw it up
Baby it's brick city, you heard of that
We blessed, and hung low, like Bernie Mac
Dogs, let 'em out, women, let 'em in
It's like I'm ODB, the way I'm freaking

Wanna get rowdy (rowdy, yeah)
Gonna get a little unruly (ruly)
Get it fired up in a hurry (hurry)
Wanna get dirrty
It's about time that I came to start the party (party)
Sweat dripping over my body (body)
Dancing getting just a little naughty
Wanna get dirrty
It's about time for my arrival

Gonna get a little unruly
(Ooh oh)
Get it fired up in a hurry
(Ooh oh)
Wanna get dirrty
It's about time that I came to start the party
Ooh sweat dripping over my body
Dancing getting just a little naughty
Wanna get dirrty
It's about time for my arrival

Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirrty
It's about time that I came to start the party
Sweat dripping over my body
Dance and getting just a little naughty
Wanna get dirrty
It's about time for my arrival

Uh, what