K.Porphirogenesos (948-952)D’Administrando Imperio: Besenyos consist of communities:
Ertim (or Erdem; the leader - Baicha, then - Yavdy),
Chor (the leader - Kyugel, then - Kuerchi),
Yula (the leader - Korkutkhan, then - Kabukschin),
Kukhey (the leader - Ipa, then - Sura),
Karabai (the leader - Karduxm),
Tolmach (the leader - Kortan, then - Boru),
Kapan (the leader - Yazy),Choban (the leader - Batahan, then - Bula).
First three Besenyo communities had contacts with Oguzes, Khazars, Alans, and Crimea;
Yula bordered on “Türkey” (Hungary),
Kapan bordered with Danube Bolgars.
A part of names are Türkic title ranks (Yula, Chor, Kapan = Kapgan, Kul, Bey), and names of leaders in most cases mean colors: Kuerchi = blue, Kakhushkin = wood bark, Sulu = ash, Boru = grey, Yazy = swarty, Bula = multi-colored, Yavdy = brilliant
1055 - Following disappearance of their state, large segment of N.Pontic Besenyos became dominated by Oguzes. and later, from 1055 on, by Kumans, and became ethnically absorbed by these peoples
1071 - Besenyo, in service of Byzantium, desert Emperor Romanus Diogenes V (1067-1071) in favor of Seljuk Oguz Sultan Alp Arslan.
Kumans under Tugorkhan (?-1096) (Grousset's Togortak) and Bonyak (Grousset's Maniak) are allied with Byzantium under Alexius Comnenus, and together crushed Besenyo army at Mount Lebunion, pushed Besenyos across Danube into Wallachia, and occupied their Crimean territory
1096 Per Rabbi Nissim, seventeen Khazarian communities join nomads (Besenyo, Bolgars, Oguses)
1122 - Kuman Khan Bonyak defeats Besenyos at battle of Eski Zagra. At Eski Zagra Viking Guard and mercenary knights led by John II Comnenus broke into Besenyos wagon-laager and wholesale slaughtered Besenyos and their dependants. Kumans subsequently occupy their lands. Besenyos completely ceased to exist as independent group, becoming diffused among Bulgars and Kumans
1250 In 13th century number of Besenyo communities grew to 13, and among names were Aba, Balchar, Bator, Bychkyly, Eke, Ilbeg, Kure, Karaja, Temir, Teber, Sol. Besenyo fortresses are named: Salma, Saga, Kerbak. From these words it is clear that Besenyo language most of all resembled Türkic Kipchak dialect
1463 During Ottoman times, Kangar-Besenyo commixed Ogur/Kipchak language amalgamated with Turkish Oguz language, retaining a rich pre-Turkish vocabulary, and possibly morphological elements. Kangar-Besenyos readily embraced Islam, quickly becoming Moslem-majority country that endured massive influx of Slavic peoples and Slavic subjugation without losing their language and religion until Communist nationalistic excesses
2000 - Kangar-Besenyo became Bosnyaks, in the Middle Ages their Bosnia state became a unique island of tolerance and cooperation in the Balkans that survived assaults and nationalistic frenzy of the 20th century. Kangar-Besenyo were among the tribes that migrated to Khorasan from Oguz Yabgu state and then to Anatolia, settling in the territory of the ancient Cilicia. In the late 19th c., in the early 20th c., and in the second half of 20th c., many refugees from the Balkan Bosnia flowed to Anatolia, adding to the Tyrkey Kangar-Bosnyak