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Re: Женский журнал для истинной Леди
« Reply #30 on: November 01, 2013, 04:34 »

Ti mi posochvash tcql bylamach s's sachineniq ot haidyshko-komynisticheska ymopobarkanitca i otrichane na turkskoto nasledstvo na  Atil'kese osnovatelite na Tuna-Bulgar ot bulgar-turki.
S tazi dokomentalistiaka kakto go narichash ste pokazali haidyshkata prostashtina po tcqliq svqt, tam az ne vidqh samo kade ne ste pribavili skeletite na Lusi i Ardi namereni v Etiopiq predi 3,2  i  4,4 miliona godini kato "bAlgarski" skeleti.

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Re: Безплатни слотове и казино онлайн
« Reply #31 on: November 01, 2013, 04:35 »
"Slavqnskii" etnos nqma haidyte, i ti nemoje da imash nikakvi dokazatelstva za tazi izmislitca haidyte! Termina slavqni e izmislitca sled pisaneto na "cherkovnoslavqnskata" pismennost sled sredata na 9 vek za razlichni hora narichani po-rano Anti, Sklaveni, Venedi, Lombardi, Dachi i tn i tn...,jivqli na sever mnogo daleche ot Tuna-Bulgar, a ot 10 vek (962 god.) Tuna -Bulgar  do reka Iskar e zavladqn ot Svqtoslav Ryso-Vizantiiskite imperii. Chak sled 12 vek pri Kymanite-turki ima v Tuna -Bulgar prishaltci ot izmislenitcata "slavqni" pod Dynava.

 Haidyte "slavqni" nqma ima Pan-Slavizm kato tova e edno dvijenie ot sredata na 19 vek za obedinenie na tezi po ranni plemena i narodi Anti, Sklaveni, Venedi, Lombardi, Dachi i tn... po kasno ot 19 vek nasam narecheni  "slavqnski" ot Ryskata Imperiq  i Savetskata Haidyshko-Komynisticheska Imperiq , osnovno nasocheno kam Balkanskiq poly-ostrov kadeto v prodaljenie na vekove se ypravlqva ot drygi imperii kato  Rimsko-Vizantiiska, Bulgar-Kymano-Turkska, Avstro-Yngarska i Osmanska imperii, kato tozi termin "Pan-Slavizm" se izpolzva za politicheski instryment ot strana na Ryskata Imperiq i Savetskata Imperiq za da pechelqt politichesko i voenno vliqnie i kontrol varhy tezi zemi i ot tam izlaz kam toplite vodi na Sredizemno more i okeanite po sveta.

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Re: buy cheap oakley sunglasses sale oakley golf sunglasses 2013
« Reply #32 on: November 01, 2013, 04:36 »
Haidyte, tozi ezik ne e nito "starobAlgarski" nito "bAlgarski". Tozi ezik se izychava sled kato e pisan za Velikomoravtcite v sredata na 9 vek ot vizantiiskite bratq Kirilus i mentora my Metodius  s molbata na Veliko Moravskiq printc Rastislav do Vizantiiskiq Imperator da naychat bibliqta na edin i sasht ezik skitashtite nai-razni plemena po Veliko Moravski teritorii.
 Rastislav e vasal i plashta godishen danak na Franskata imperiq, ychenitcite na Kirilius i Metodius sa goneni i presledvani i nqkoi ot tqh bqgat do Tyna-Bylgar,kadeto dotogava se e govorilo ot aristokratite i elita na Imperiqta Tyna -Bulgar na turkski v razni drygi zavladqni teritorii ot razlichni ezikovi etnosi. Koga v imperiqta se govorilo na razni ezitci, taka ediniq ot ychenitcite koito se zove  Kliment-cho  krade  izmislitcata narechena "KIRILITCA" koqto si e chista KOPTICA ot togava se govori na izmislen"bAlgarski" s asimilirani etnosi i narodi vav zavladqni Vizantiiski teritorii. Taka do den dneshen se zalagvat edni prosti "istoritci"-haidyti s drygi po prosti haidyti kato teb.

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Re: buy backlinks
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2013, 04:37 »
Маламир, който е държавният глава в нашия надпис, носи тюркската титла кан сюбиги покрай гръцката архонт. Първата дума на тази сложна титла кан е известната тюркска титла за владетел кан, хан или също каган. Втората част сюбиги представя сложния български, съответно тюркски израз сю бег и, на който първата дума сю значи „войска”, а втората бег (с и в български) „господар”. Последната сричка и е тюркският суфикс за притежание при думи, завършващи на съгласна. В тюркските езици в противоположност на индоевропейските, в които притежателят на даден предмет стои в притежателен родителен падеж (срв. лат. domus patris, нем. Das Haus des Vaters „къщата на бащата”), се изразява със суфикса -и или -си при думи, завършващи на гласна, прибавени не към притежателя, а към притежанието, напр. баба еви „къщата на бащата” или шейтан арабаси = лат. carrus diaboli, нем. Der Wagen des Tenfels „колата на сатаната”. И така сю бег-и значи „господар на войската”, срв. в Орхонските надписи сюбаши „главатар на войската”.

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Re: consideration canada goose nettbutikk usa tse
« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2013, 04:38 »
Тюркските степни държави се състоят от две основни обществени единици: род и племе. Самата държава е представяла обединение на няколко племена, често с различни езици и етническа принадлежност, при което името на ръководното племе е ставало название на цялото държавно обединение. Същата структура може да се установи и за прабългарите въз основа на надписите и някои други писмени извори. Пет от възпоменателните надписи, за които ще стане дума по-нататък, съобщават освен името на починалото лице още и неговия род. Те споменават следните родове: Чакарар, Кубиар, Ермиар, Кюригир и незапазено цяло име, завършващо на -дуар. От т. нар. Именник на българските князе са известни още родовете: Дуло, от който произхождали българските канове до около 760 г., Вокил или Укил, Угаин и Ерми, което е едно и също с Ермиар от възпоменателните надписи. Последната сричка -ар, на която завършват родовете в надписите, се тълкува обикновено като тюркско събирателно окончание със значение „хора”, „люде”.Следователно Ермиар ще значи „хората от Ерми”, т. е. членовете на рода Ерми. Различно от -ар е окончанието -гир в родовото име Кюригир, за което ще говорим по-долу.

Според византийските хронисти Теофан и Никифор, Кубрат бил владетел на българското племе уногундури или оногундури в Кавказката област. Това племе под формата Олхонтор-блкар заедно с Купи-булгар, Дучи-булкар и Чдар-болкар, които се споменават в арменската география на Анания Ширакаци, са образували държавно обединение, начело на което е стояло първото племе (вж. по-горе) под общото название българи.

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Re: トッズ靴男性
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2013, 04:40 »
"Kanasubigi" =  kan+su+begi  Amydjak

Kanasubigi or Kana subigi, as it is written in Bulgarian Greek inscriptions, was a title of the Bulgars.
The title khan for early Bulgar rulers is an assumed one, as only the form kanasubigi or "k(h)anasybigi"[1] is attested in stone inscriptions. Historians presume that it includes the word khan in its archaic formkana, and there is a supporting evidence suggesting that the latter title was indeed used in Bulgaria, e.g. the name of one of the Bulgarian rulers Pagan occurs in Patriarch Nicephorus's so-called breviarium asΚαμπαγάνος (Kampaganos), likely an erroneous rendition of the phrase "Kan Pagan".[2] Among the proposed translations for the phrase kanasubigi as a whole are lord of the army, from the reconstructedTurkic phrase *sü begi, paralleling the attested Old Turkic sü baši,[3] and, more recently, "(ruler) from God", from the Indo-European *su- and baga-, i.e. *su-baga (an equivallent of the Greek phrase ὁ ἐκ Θεοῦ ἄρχων, ho ek Theou archon, which is common in Bulgar inscriptions).[4] This titulature presumably persisted until the Bulgars adopted Christianity.[5] Some Bulgar inscriptions written in Greek and later inSlavonic refer to the Bulgarian ruler respectively with the Greek title archon or the Slavic title knyaz.[6]
Etymologically, it may also be associated and well explained with Proto-Turkish word kan meaning "ancestor" (in modern Turkish "blood"). (N.B.: the words khan and kagan don't have the same origin, so that they probably can't explain kana, although the meanings similar. The differentiation between kana and kagan/khan can clearly be made whenever these words are contained in Bulgar names. The vowel a as junction vowel is common in Turkic languages; su ("water;" "river;" "lake") is pan-Turkic, and bigi might be a variant of 'begi', both being variants of beyi "bey of", "lord of," "head of". Its specific positioning at the end of the word justifies the assumption that bigi means begi (i.e., beyi). Etimologically, structural integrity is supported by the homogeneity of the origins of the words that build the phrase kanasubigi. It probably was supposed to mean "ancestor of the lord of the rivers". Proto-Bulgarians either a Central Asian Turkic dialect or may only have borrowed names from that language and preserved them after their assumed emigration from Central Asia. The words kan, su and bigi fit the phonetics and semantics of Proto-Turkic texts found in Central Asia (created around AD 732), written in the so-called Orkhon Script.

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Bulgar (also spelled Bolğar, Bulghar) is an extinct language which was spoken by the Bulgars. Many scholars believe that it belonged to Oghur subgroup of Turkic languages,[1][2][3][4] however its precise roots have not been conclusively proven due to extremely limited written record.
The name is derived from the Bulgars, a tribal association which established the Bulgar khanate, known as Old Great Bulgaria in the mid-7th century, giving rise to the Danubian Bulgaria by the 680s.[5][6][7] While the language was extinct in Danubian Bulgaria (in favour of the Slavic Bulgarian language), it persisted in Volga Bulgaria, eventually giving rise to the modern Chuvash language.

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Re: シャネル 新作
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2013, 04:50 »
Bulgar language

Region from Central Asia to the steppes North of the Caucasus, the Volga, and the Danube, and Southern Italy (Molise, Campania)
Extinct by the 9th or 10th centuries on the Danube and by the 14th century on the Volga

Language family   
Oghur (Lir)

Bulgar (also spelled Bolğar, Bulghar) is an extinct language which was spoken by the Bulgars. Many scholars believe that it belonged to Oghur subgroup of Turkic languages,[1][2][3][4] however its precise roots have not been conclusively proven due to extremely limited written record.
The name is derived from the Bulgars, a tribal association which established the Bulgar khanate, known as Old Great Bulgaria in the mid-7th century, giving rise to the Danubian Bulgaria by the 680s.[5][6][7] While the language was extinct in Danubian Bulgaria (in favour of the Slavic Bulgarian language), it persisted in Volga Bulgaria, eventually giving rise to the modern Chuvash language.[8][9][10]


Mainstream scholarship place the Bulgar language among the "Lir" branch of Turkic languages referred to as Oghur-Turkic, Lir-Turkic, or, indeed, "Bulgar Turkic" as opposed to the "Shaz"-type of Common Turkic. The "Lir" branch is characterized by sound correspondences such as Oghuric r versus Common Turkic (or Shaz-Turkic) z and Oghuric l versus Common Turkic (Shaz-Turkic) š.[5][7][11] As was stated by Al-Istakhri "the language of Bulgars resembles the language of Khazars".[12] The only surviving language from this linguistic group is the Chuvash.
On the other hand, some Bulgarian historians, especially modern ones, link the Bulgar language to the Iranian language group instead (more specifically, the Pamir languages are frequently mentioned), noting the presence of Iranian words in the modern Bulgarian language.[13][14][15][16] According to Prof. Raymond Detrez, who is a specialist in Bulgarian history and language,[17] such views are based on anti-Turkish sentiments, and the presence of Iranian words in the modern Bulgarian is result of Ottoman Turkish linguistic influence.[18] However, other Bulgarian historians, especially older ones, only point out certain signs of Iranian influence in the Turkic base,[19] or indeed support the Turkic theory.[20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]

Danube Bulgar

The language of the Danube Bulgars (or Danube Bulgar) is recorded in a small number of inscriptions, which are found in Pliska, the first capital of Danube Bulgaria and in the rock churches near the village of Murfatlar, present-day Romania. Some of these inscriptions are written with Greek characters, others with runes similar to the Orkhon script. Most of them appear to have a private character (oaths, dedications, inscriptions on grave stones) and some were court inventories. Although attempts at decipherment have been made, none of them has gained wide acceptance. These inscriptions in Danube-Bulgar are found along with other official ones written in Greek. Greek was used as the official state language of Danube Bulgaria until the 9th century, when it was replaced by Old Bulgarian (Slavonic).
The language of the Danube Bulgars is also known from a small number of loanwords in the Old Bulgarian language, as well as terms occurring in Bulgar Greek-language inscriptions, contemporary Byzantine texts, and later Slavonic Old Bulgarian texts. Most of these words designate titles and other concepts concerning the affairs of state, including the official 12-year cyclic calendar (as used e.g. in the Nominalia of the Bulgarian Khans). The language became extinct in Danubian Bulgaria in the 9th century as the Bulgar nobility became gradually Slavicized after the Old Bulgarian was declared as official in 893.

Volga Bulgar

The language spoken by the population of Volga Bulgaria is known as Volga-Bulgar. There are a number of surviving inscriptions in Volga-Bulgar, some of which are written with Arabic letters, alongside the continuing use of Turkic runes. These are all largely decipherable. That language persisted until the 13th or the 14th century. In that region, it may have ultimately given rise to the Chuvash language, which is most closely related to it[28] and which is classified as the only surviving member of a separate "Oghur-Turkic" (or Lir-Turkic) branch of the Turkic languages, to which Bulgar is also considered to have belonged (see above).[5][6][29] Still, the precise position of Chuvash within the Oghur family of languages is a matter of dispute among linguists. Since the comparative material attributable to the extinct members of Oghuric (Hunnic, Turkic Avar, Khazar and Bulgar) is scant, little is known about any precise interrelation of these languages and it is a matter of dispute whether Chuvash, the only "Lir"-type language with sufficient extant linguistic material, might be the daughter language of any of these or just a sister branch.[11]

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Re: Go for brand-viagra no recipe
« Reply #38 on: November 01, 2013, 05:27 »
Мъж уби с тесла психично болния си брат

Кърваво братоубийство потресе Сандански. 62-годишен мъж уби с тесла по-малкия си брат в родната им къща в курортния град. Трагедията се разиграла около 5,30 ч на първия етаж в къща на ул. "Любен Каравелов". Сигнал за побой бил подаден на тел. 112. На мястото пристигнала линейка, а медиците заварили 60-годишния Евгени Б. мъртъв на земята, а брат му Васко Б. треперел окървавен и в шок.