Author Topic: in World- 3000 members here!  (Read 20298 times)

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Offline Nazmi

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  • Да почива в мир! in World- 3000 members here!
« on: March 07, 2009, 06:14 »
Малко със закъснение и на английски Темата" in World- 3000 members here"!

Dear members and guests of,

We are happy to announce that our site has reached over 3000 members!{{with the last one being Almorulzz from our neighbour Macedonia, Scopie.}}
For this short time of 2 years, the site has really come up to its name and has become "The Voice Of the Pomaks, not only for those on the Balkans, but also for the pomaks around the world.
Let us all thank the founders of the website who are still among us, for their hard work, for the difficulties they`ve overcome, and for working around the clock.

We can proudly say today, that our website is a democratic forum not only for pomaks, but for people from all nationalities and religions.
All our members are protected by the rules of the forum, which are absolutely the same for everyone here!
During these 2 years, we inevitably have done some mistakes, trying to secure the site form all sorts of attacks and provocations. We realize that and we, as a team, bear our responsibility for that.
We try to impose only democratic rules and measures in our effort to secure the site.
I would very much like to hear everyone`s opinion, in order to ensure that we are still together.

1. What would you like to see done from us as, the administrators?
2. What topics would you like to see being discussed in the forum and what do you think is still missing on our website.
3. Please send us your opinions!

Cngratulations everyone and good luck!

Best regards,`s team.

Offline Тоска

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Ynt: in World- 3000 members here!
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2009, 11:10 »
Dear members and guests of,
As you seen in  Nazmi's post, our site has reached over 3000 members from all around the world with a focus on pomaks and pomak culture. As part of our Cultural Presentation we need to use english as tool. English is the most widely used second and learning language in the world used for international comunication in various fields. I recognized that we have enough english speakers who willing to communicate. Only we need more effort for success.

