36:45 kazvat im bulgar shtoto znaqt, che sa naslednici na osnovatelite na Parvata imperiq pod Dynava bulgar-turki,..taka kakto i bulgar-turkite ot Volshka Bulgariq koito se znaqt ot haidyti i vikingi kato "tatari".
Steven Runciman (1903 – 2000)fellow of Trinity college, CambridgeA history of the First Bulgarian Empire (670-1019)G. Bell & Sons Ltd., London 1930, Camelot Press Limited London and Southamptondedicated by gracious permission to Boris III, Tsar of the Bulgarians
In the course of reinventing history, both Bulgarian and Russian scientists and scientologists had to invent a language suitable for their perch, which is confusing for anybody else. Here it goes: Bulgars are renamed Proto-Bulgars, which means that the Türkic Bulgars are Türkic, but without stating it, maybe you idiots would not guess. The modern Bulgars are named Bulgarians, or in Russian Bolgars. Thus was created a distinction between the Türkic-speaking Bulgars and Slavic-speaking Bulgars. The next step was to rechristen the Türkic Bulgars in Danube Bulgaria to Turks, and to deport or expel them all to Turkey in a sweeping ethnic cleansing of the 1990s. Ironically, up to the Modern Times Bulgars did not even suspect that they were Türks, this designation is an invention of the modern times projected far backwards and distorted by frenzied chauvinism. Thus, the founders of the Bulgarian state became refugees from their own country, and a new pristine and exclusively Slavic history could be created on the fly. Studious falsifiers engaged in ethnic cleansing of the language, to support a claim that Bulgars, even if the crazy idea that they were Türkic is right, were few and ineffectual. The symbiosis that lasted for 2,000 years appear to be largely destroyed, a glorious political victory was achieved, masses of Bulgars were sent to develop and enrich Turkey and other neighboring countries, and a new ethnically cleansed and impoverished Bulgaria could now provide an eternal paradise for its pristine Slavic Bulgars, with only a million or so of the Türkic Bulgars remaining in the country.