А бе Marlboro, сигурно майка ти е Мара, а баща ти Боро....Къде си тръгнал да обясняваш на българи, българската история!? Аспарух бил освобождавал от византийско иго? Кого?! Траките ли? Та те са романо-траки, византийци по това време! И кой болен мозък ви внушава , че булгарите били тюрки. Ако беше така, мойто момче тюрките нямаше да нарекат булгарите с прозвището "кипчак"...Това означава "чужденец", а не братовчед. Руснаците сталинисти казват пък, че кипчаките са клон на татарски род...Но! "Татар" също не е етноним, а прозвище и означава "чужденец". За това днешните татари искат да се преименуват защото това име им се струва обидно и безлично.
Anyone that begins a sentence off with "a be" is a dumb - dumb, non-intelligent human being from location: another planet.
Who the hell are you to talk to me like that? You don't know who you are, you yourself are not a bulgar-turkik.
Actually, it's true that Asparuh's, bulgar-turkik founded Tuna-Bulgar and saved abAlgarians from slavery in the Byzantine Empire.
In fact, trakians are not a single nation, they were a variety of clans and groups, and many of them migrated from ancient Anatolia. They have never been Romano - traki or Byzans-traki, they were under their yoke (slavery), first by Phillip II of Macedonia and then by Romano - Byzantine.
Kipchaks are one of the turkik groups from bulgarian-turkiks who speak turkik and write in Orkhon script and they have no relation with tatars, who are from Roran clans.
Tatars are from mongolian clans and they adopted the turkik language and script.
P.S. Take this , wrap it up in a newspaper, and smoke it or you can put in boiling water and drink it for tea, so it can stay in your chick brain (pileshki mozak).
"abAlgarians have never been bulgarian-turkik, before end of 7th century,abAlgerians are from different clans and ethnic groups."