English > Discussions

Pomaks in USA

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Nazmi ,

Naistina mi stana bolno kato ceta redovetete ti. Tragnali ste vie ot tuk (Bg) i predi vas mnogo drugi pomaci  i s tolkova trudnosti i peripetii ste otisli tam  za edin po dobar jivot ( za vas i decata ) vi , za povece svoboda i prava , a se okazva ce po nyakakv nacin se razmivate tam sred drugite ... Bolno e tajno e .... Predi edna godina me bese osenila ideyata da kandidatstvam za zelena karata za Kanada i byah zapocnala zdravo da se podgotvyam ....No nostalgiyata i misalta ce ste   vijdam rodinata i blizkite si na 3 godini vednaj napravo me pobarka .....Stana mi bolno  i tajno , kakto mi e bolno i tajno , za vas .

Ami zastot ne opitate da si napravite edin kulturen centar , klub v koyto da se sabirate .. da si napravite grupa za pomaski pesni i tanci ... kato znam amerikancite umirat za nashiya folklor i iskat da se ucat na kakvo li ne .... Toku vij ste uspeli da se obedinite i da psotavite edno nacalo ...Tova mi idva naum n prima vista ....A nie tuk ot forum ste se opitvame da vi pomognem s kakvoto mojem

Thanks for your comments but as you seen above here is english section and header of this topic's english.  Would u please use english? Because English is far more world wide in its distribution than all other spoken languages.  It is an official language in 52 countries as well as many small colonies and territories.  In addition, 1/4 to 1/3 of the people in the world understand and speak English. We need to be proactive in presenting our culture and our values to the society so that people would learn more about us.

PP: iskeceli: Are you sure? Is it a joke? Do not forget i have got authority to look-up to ips which are belong to our users. For example IP block which you just posted from s mannheim ;)

Моля пишете само на английски

Thank you so much for your opinions about pomaks in Usa. I find them very interesting...

Hello there,
According to my sources, the first Pomaks left for USA after the 9th of September 1944. After the coup in Bulgaria many people with favorable positions, gained during the previous pro-fascist regime were forced to flee. Many left for Greece and Turkey and later made it to the USA. Probably there was some limited Pomak presence in USA even before that but we don't have any information in support of that claim. During the Communism in Bulgaria even greater number fled - a huge portion escaped through the Mesta River near the village of Slashten. After serving a sentence in Greece for illegal crossing of the border, the immigrants were allowed to the United States. But still the majority of Pomaks, present in USA today, left after 1990 with Green Cards.

You must have a mosque ın USA, I know this.

But we all are muslims. Dr. Zarrikoub in his book ''Histoy of the Islamic civilization" says:

"There is everywhere one beleive and one culture - the Islamic culture, whose language is the Arabic, the thought - Iranian, the wisdom - Indian, the strong - Turkish but the hearth and the soul are Islamic and human."

If these man Turkish and Arabians who invited you in their mosques are from some teroristic groups - this is an other question!

But I think that they want to help you! I hope!


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